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Information - Cotsworld Airport (Kemble)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
This area isn't part of the used airfield however it may well be covered by airport laws. Kemble is home to the largest aircraft dismantling company in the country and these are all planes set to be dismantled and scrapped, although it doesn't look like any photos are taken from in the compound rather over the fence.
This is part of the live airport, you can see all types of planes there in the day. There is also plenty of signs saying its against the aviation and maritime security act, or something, to trespass. I think the penalty for breaking into a live airport is pretty stiff. Oh and..... the CCTV is actually live, as I found out the other day.


unhealthy fascination with drains
28DL Full Member
I absolutely love these photos, I know it’s not urbex but I love planes and so I love this informational.

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