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Report - - Cottam Power Station, Lincolnshire, September 2020 | UK Power Stations | Page 2 |

Report - Cottam Power Station, Lincolnshire, September 2020

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Regular User
Always had pain with this place, it's a bit like a troubled horse that will either kick you in the face or walk off in the wrong direction whilst riding. Never went right.

You've managed to walk out with some cracking photos.
It's often just luck isn't it? Literally one minute slower at any point and we could have come unstuck, you just never know. Either that or we got lucky and someone was off sick on the night we went! You can make the best plans but if someone just happens to be in the same spot you are at the same time there's nothing you can do about it!

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Yeah Cottam was a good one: whether it be the fun involved in getting into the site; the odd spiky turbines; or the space age control room, with a great panoramic view of the cooling towers. Lovely to see your photos, don't think I could get enough of the place!


Regular User
Yeah Cottam was a good one: whether it be the fun involved in getting into the site; the odd spiky turbines; or the space age control room, with a great panoramic view of the cooling towers. Lovely to see your photos, don't think I could get enough of the place!
Thank you! You defo will have covered it a lot better than I have, but was pleased with my one shaky visit! Really good memory of being here (after my initial failure) even tho I do remember having to have a lay down in the control room while the others finished their photos as I had such a bad back at the time. The positive vibes had almost wiped that detail from my memory.

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