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Report - - Crich Quarry, Derbyshire (July 2019) | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Crich Quarry, Derbyshire (July 2019)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Stat away from this quarry it is highly radioactive it’s very dangerous. Look at the green glowing water for f sake looks like mr burns has been dumping. Rolls Royce are responsible for dumping it here why do you think it’s abandoned .

Hi folks,

I just wanted to point out that this is Crich Quarry, whereas the Rolls Royce dumping ground is called Hilts quarry and is further east. Crich Quarry is not radioactive. The colour of the water is down to chemicals reacting with the rock and water. It's common in old mining areas and quarries.

Hopefully this will help reassure those who visited this site that they are unlikely to grow an extra head or that their genitals will fall of shortly. :-)


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