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Report - - Dartford Magistrates’ Courts cells & admin block. Kent. August 19. | Other Sites |

Report - Dartford Magistrates’ Courts cells & admin block. Kent. August 19.

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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Holding cells & admin block.

Firstly sorry about photo quality, didn't have time to change settings, & I found out my ps7 lens needed new batteries too!!! so disappointed about all that, but hey, opportunity knocks & its an exploring forum, not photography lol, but Id like to do better.


Dartford admin offices & holding cells, also used as a paying in office for fines has been shut for many many years. I am unsure how long to be exact, but its near on 20 plus years. The main courtroom remained open and only shut their doors in 2014 due to the courthouse wasn't fully compliant with the Equality Act 2010. The access around the building didn't meet the requirement of wheelchair users and the first floor has no means for physically impaired people to access. The security of the building is fair, however the property has limited barrier controlled on-site car parking facilities at the rear of the property. These parking facilities are in high demand and shared with the detention staff; prisoner vans are docking in the same area as the magistrates and staff car parking area which is an elevated risk to both staff and magistrate. According to the powers that be!

So it was decided the facilities at Dartford Magistrates’ Court were inadequate and out of date for staff, judiciary and all court users, and the work can be accommodated at Chatham Magistrates’ Court which offers better accommodation and facilities for users.

The Holding cells

Dartford Magistrates’ Court was built in 1900. The court has five holding cells, and prisoners would be lead up to the connecting courtrooms round the back.

The explore

The explore for me was a big one, I've been waiting for the chance to gain entry for nearly 20 yrs. There is static security at the main court entrance to the courts. And this part has always been very well sealed, is on a bus route and its very busy area. For many years I believe cctv was in place, and parts used on & off. But today thanks to a tip off, they will know who they are, I wouldn't of know entry was possible. But over the last 2 weeks I had noticed people sitting on the steps, then 2 days ago a window broken, only to be sealed half hour later, so without this tip off I wouldn't have tried again so soon. Anyway I gained entry. I could see the security out of the window but decided to continue. I couldn't access the courts as top door locked, probably best as security were in there lol.
I was pleased to finally get to see these holding cells, and it was a very quick in and out, due to small window of opportunity. I don`t expect this to be accessible after today.












And now some admin bits













Thank you for taking time to read/view. CJ



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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
looks decent that does. Shame you couldn't get into the court room. Good effort none the less. Persistance always pays off in the end :thumb

Thanks, had to be obvious though, and not care, just get in and do it. If Id known Id have more time I would of taken my tripod and amended shots to wider ones. But hey I had to work with what I could. Grab & go sort of thing. Would love to go back and have a crack at the courts. If I get the opportunity I will go for it.


Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User
Well done on getting in. Cool little niche here:, is that a window or just a shelf?


Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Well done on getting in. Cool little niche here:, is that a window or just a shelf?

It was just a shelf in a strange little place, looks out of keeping with the building, bit odd tbh


How on earth dod you know security were in the court rooms had they set up base in there haha...nice report btw

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
How on earth dod you know security were in the court rooms had they set up base in there haha...nice report btw

Ermm metal bollards closed behind black range rover! lol , 2 blokes wandering around the doorway & windows of the court entrance & corridors. Those bollards are controlled via a code and let secca in & out . If they hadnt of been there that day, (I spotted them from the top floor in admin) I definitely would have tried my luck.

And thanks ..

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