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Report - - Debenhams, Gloucester. August 22 | Other Sites |

Report - Debenhams, Gloucester. August 22

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Visited with Elliot123

First off I need to apologise for the quality of the pictures as this visit was rushed and i only had my phone with me..

This is the old Debenhams building in Gloucester city centre engraved on the building are the dates 1904 and 1914 It has stood in the city centre for decades Dominating King's Square, Debenhams department store has been an anchor retail store in Gloucester ever since it opened in the early 1970s.

Many fond memories of this place, being dragged around it as a child by my parents who would take what seemed like half a day looking at all the wonders it had to offer and not being allowed to have the marvellous eye candy cakes after a kids meal. I remember as a kid how huge the place seemed with escalators, lifts and stairs that took you to over the place, had a maze like feel to it. As a grown up the only time i went in was to use the Toilet (always cleaner than in town)

Work started there roughly a year ago and i always said to my lad when we were in the area that it would be nice to see it all empty before they develop it into a college. After dark would have been pointless as all the surrounding buildings and streets are all camerad up and the gates were always guarded in the day.

Imagine our excitement one day when we were passing and the gates are open and nobody guarding them! I Turned to Elliot and he nodded! The plan was if we get spotted to just say we were lost and looking for the toilet Dressed in a flowery shirt and shorts and my lad looking like half of JD sports we walked straight in like we owned the place up a flight of stairs round a few corners and corridors avoiding the sound of others, then into a huge open area. again the place is a bit like a maze and with the windows covered and no perfume, toilets signs or women's clothes section. I wasn't quite sure where we were most of the time as it was fast paced the central part had a huge rectangle hole from basement to ceiling where the escalators have been removed so that kept me sort of guided.

The main objective was to keep moving and not get seen as workmen were all over doing workmen stuff all hi-vizd and hard hatted, at one point we found ourselves around the opposite side of the building a few floors up looking down at the entrance that had the Gaffer stood outside with a few others so the window of entry must have been slim! carried on walking up stairs,along corridors and having to turn round when hearing footsteps managed to get round most of it in stealth mode it was weird to see it completely empty with the sound of jackhammers echoing through the place, the only area we didn't see was the basement as the stairs were blocked so the only way down was an elevator and i didn't fancy the chances.

A roman wall and cobbled streets have been found in the excavation of the basement archaeologists unearthed the structures as part of a building project to convert Gloucester's old shop into a university campus.The work has also uncovered the original site of St Aldate's Church, which was built in the 18th century. it had been known for many years that there were important archaeological remains at the site, but that it wasn't known exactly where.

The way out was easy just walk out! kind of, upon leaving the building the gaffer is right next to the gate looks at us and says in shock "what are you doing" looking for the toilets i say.. "you shouldn't be in here" sorry i took a wrong turn.. And walked past him into the street as we are walking away he repeats "you shouldn't be in here" i responded with "sorry" and carried on walking.....

Many thanks for looking. some blurry photos but it was quick moving quick snapping.

















28DL Regular User
Regular User
The building itself doesn't do much for me being an empty space with no notable features, however, I'm glad you got a pic of the service elevators as I am partial to a nice lift :thumb

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