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Report - - Dinorwic Quarry. North Wales - June 2016 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Dinorwic Quarry. North Wales - June 2016

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The Knight Errant

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Knew this one was going to be a tough one a huge site carrying loads of equipment, water and food so thought it would be best to get an early start. 7 am off I went thought it would be best to walk around and start from the top of the highest incline high up in the welsh mountains. Foot paths everywhere but more care is urged when off the tracks because the place is falling down, quite daunting at times.

A little history - The first commercial attempts at slate mining took place in 1787,Although this met with moderate success, the outbreak of war with France, taxes and transportation costs limited the development of the quarry. A new business partnership led by Assheton Smith was formed on the expiry of the lease in 1809 and the business boomed after the construction of a horse-drawn tramway to Port Dinorwic in 1824. At its peak in the late 19th century, "when it was producing an annual outcome of 100,000 tonnes", Dinorwic employed more than 3,000 men and was the second largest opencast slate producer in the country.

During the 1950s and 1960s extraction had become difficult, because after 170 years of extraction many of the unsystematically dumped tips were beginning to slide into some of the major pit workings, and after an enormous fall in the Garret area of the quarry in 1966, production had ceased almost permanently. It was however decided that some final work could be done by clearing some of the waste from the Garret fall. This involved making an access road for more modern quarry vehicles across some of the terraces, to the rock fall. This amount of slate won by this method was small and all production stopped by 1969.

Some great views here some photos -


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Looking back through these photo's has reminded me of how awesome this place was and I enjoyed every hour of it. There's just too many to post ha ha Thanks for looking and comments welcome :)



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The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Really nice photos mate I enjoyed seeing them, possibly one of the most gorgeous locations in the UK...imo :)

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Nicely done, captured the slate quarries well :thumb

It's one of my favourite spots for a stroll, usually find something new on every visit.

The Knight Errant

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely done, captured the slate quarries well :thumb

It's one of my favourite spots for a stroll, usually find something new on every visit.

Thanks Lone Ranger,
Must of spent hours here and if I ever go back (am sure I will it was that damn good) I can bet i'll see something I didn't last time


28DL Member
28DL Member
I have had many wonderful walks here
Last time I thought I'd found someone living in one of the old huts, a roof had been put on with skill and there was a puff of smoke coming from the chimney.
Didn't get too close in case he was a mountain man !!!!
Great photo's


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi, new to this but great pics, the wife and I are off up there in a week or so look forward to exploring it ourselves.

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