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Too old to give a f*ck...
28DL Full Member
By Derek Leach OBE, with photos by Paul Isles, Stuart Kinnon and Barry Stewart.

A new book, but no new revelations on the honeycomb that is under Dover! A bit of self promotion in a way, 46 pictures of mine used throughout the book, along with a further 9 from my exploring buddy, Herbivore.

Publishing costs have meant the book is published in B&W unfortunately, but it's still a good summary of what's available to explore.

Available from W.H Smith & The Museum Bookshop in Dover at present. Published by Riverdale Publications, ISBN 978-0-9536166-8-8


Vii Sins

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I feel myself being drawn towards Dover (though god knows when) having seen so many excellent reports here, so this looks like a very worthwhile read, thanks.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Nothing wrong with a bit of self promotion,when i started up in dover it was a lot of your's and herbivores reports that got me researching some more!!


28DL Member
28DL Member
By Derek Leach OBE, with photos by Paul Isles, Stuart Kinnon and Barry Stewart.

A new book, but no new revelations on the honeycomb that is under Dover! A bit of self promotion in a way, 46 pictures of mine used throughout the book, along with a further 9 from my exploring buddy, Herbivore.

Publishing costs have meant the book is published in B&W unfortunately, but it's still a good summary of what's available to explore.

Available from W.H Smith & The Museum Bookshop in Dover at present. Published by Riverdale Publications, ISBN 978-0-9536166-8-8

Any idea where I can get a copy of this? I've trawled internet to no avail.. There is a link to a download on here but it seems to be a scam site... Any help would be greatly appreciated


Too old to give a f*ck...
28DL Full Member
Last time I looked, there were still copies available new from the National Trust shop at Langdon Bay....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nothing wrong with a bit of self promotion,when i started up in dover it was a lot of your's and herbivores reports that got me researching some more!!
Lol and now u have come full circle wevsky. Because of some of ur reports I'm now doing more research on Dovers many, many access points lol

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
By Derek Leach OBE, with photos by Paul Isles, Stuart Kinnon and Barry Stewart.

A new book, but no new revelations on the honeycomb that is under Dover! A bit of self promotion in a way, 46 pictures of mine used throughout the book, along with a further 9 from my exploring buddy, Herbivore.

Publishing costs have meant the book is published in B&W unfortunately, but it's still a good summary of what's available to explore.

Available from W.H Smith & The Museum Bookshop in Dover at present. Published by Riverdale Publications, ISBN 978-0-9536166-8-8

We got one directly from the author great little book


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Dont sell urself short mush. I've been seeing and hearing ur name alot recently lol. My inner fanboy is so excited when I'm on 28DL lol
Im flattered , also no longer really explore, just enjoy keeping in touch with people and whats going on these days

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