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Report - Duke of Lancaster - August 2014

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One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Maybe that's whats wrong with the Country then? To deliberately attack something that would bring only benefits is ludicrous? It doesn't make it right though even if all Councils' do behave this way?

You st have to look at Staffordshire Moorlands Council, they regularly attack and stand in the way of Alton Towers despite it being a huge source of income and major employer for the area.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Aren't you concerned at all at how the local authority behave? They really are corrupt and if you do something they don't like or agree with will let you know about it! I find the whole scenario where the ship is concerned so wrong on many levels and I am not from the area so haven't been denied as much as the people that are.have.
For the short time the ship was open it became the third most popular tourist attraction in Wales. It brought jobs and all sorts of other benefits. The area is now the second most deprived areas in North Wales, so opportunities like this are not to be sneezed at.

Sure this isn't the right forum to discuss corrupt councils but seen as you ask on this subject mate I don't really... I am far more concerned by the lack of funding into youth services, help for the elderly and the terrible conditions in some of the hospitals in North Wales, not a rusty old ship unfortunately. Don't get me wrong I think what you are doing is great if you are attempting to being more tourism and jobs to the area but for me personally I think there are bigger priorities around that area.


Could you please if possible provide some contact details for the owners, I have very high political contacts and want this ship open :-)
Hi Mate So you have written to Antony Rowley on [email protected] ? It's really his Dad you need to speak to but if it's regards boarding the ship for a look around, I would say your chances are very slim... very slim indeed. It's not because he just doesn't want to but because the health & safety aspect would be a nightmare and it would open a whole minefield of issues that really, wouldn't be worth the hassle.
You mention you have very high political contacts? If it could help the ship's plight in any shape or form, that would be greatly appreciated. I could mention it to John Rowley because, at the end of the day, he is still very much wanting to do something with the Duke and he is just as determined as ever to expose the Council for for the false claims and the attacks they have made over the years.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Could you please if possible provide some contact details for the owners, I have very high political contacts and want this ship open :-)

So you have very high political contacts but you need to ask for contacts on a UE forum?? :)


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
Cut it up and sell it for scrap.

It's a fucked ship in the middle of nowhere. No-one would come to see it if was restored. It's never going to sail again.

It's only pulling power is to people like us, and we won't pay to see it.
i would pay alot of money to see it restored my dad worked on the manxsman and sadly it had to be scarped and i dont want that to happen to another vessel!


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
Ever heard of a ship wreck ? :rolleyes:
yep ive visited three by me one called ionic star1939, Pegu 1921, star of hope 1883. but you cant refloat a old shipwreck and make it seaworthy again unlike the duke which is not a shipwreck.


Official Smartarse
Regular User
yep ive visited three by me one called ionic star1939, Pegu 1921, star of hope 1883. but you cant refloat a old shipwreck and make it seaworthy again unlike the duke which is not a shipwreck.

While it doesn't fit the dictionary definition of a shipwreck, it's a ship, and it's a wreck.

For what it'd cost to get it back on the water, you could buy a new one.

Sometimes it's best to move on.


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
While it doesn't fit the dictionary definition of a shipwreck, it's a ship, and it's a wreck.

For what it'd cost to get it back on the water, you could buy a new one.

Sometimes it's best to move on.
its a ship yes is it in a wreck no! external its not in that bad of condition and since it is in a dry dock the salt water doesn't effect it! its in good shape and is inst like your definition which would more fit the tuxedo royal its a historic ship which is potentially seaworthy.


Regular User
Hi Ashley you fucking Umpa Lumpa. I think you owe your DOLAS group an explanation on how their self styled leader trespassed on the Duke, took pictures, and uploaded them to 28dayslater? Whilst recently spewing all that anti urbex nonsense.
what he said :)

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