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Duke of Lancaster Boat 2022 (Funship) Picture Heavy as it’s a place people rarely get to see | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Duke of Lancaster Boat 2022 (Funship) Picture Heavy as it’s a place people rarely get to see

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I say this as somebody who got on quite a while back.... "bloody well done". It's one of the most difficult explores there is, but not insurmountable when you put your mind to it. We considered going up the anchor but used another way in the end, so fair play on cracking this one, you deserve it.

PS if you have any more pictures of below decks particularly the engines please post them up. We were only talking the other day about not seeing the engine decks.
I have a fair few pictures but didn’t want to overload the thread :)


Staff member
Whatever is easier mate, we can easily help you with duplicates and formatting otherwise :thumb


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Good effort, nowt like getting on and pissing them off, one of the little joys of ruffling feathers ;)


grey since Nov 6, 2018
28DL Full Member
They have since cut the chain off and removed the tower next to it so only way now is a grappling hook
i have grappling hook attached to a rope ladder :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Such ace pictures, nice one getting in there, I always look forward to any of the 'funship' reports.

Sadly, it looks like its starting to deteriote now, it always looked so pristine in the previous reports, but perhaps the elements are starting to get in.

That said, it still has some stunning features. And the British Rail era is still very much in evidence with the wonderful signage. This thing isn't going to be around for ever, but I hope some of the fittings/features/signage get saved when it does eventually meet its maker...

Nice work!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know its an old post but still...Awesome explore and massive balls for doing it guys, the owner is not a particularily nice person

I have a few more pics to add to this thread as i was part of the arcade machine collection team :)






Photo 04-02-2012 10 22 30.jpg



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great photos, I have visited the site from the outside but never seen inside other than this thread.

What a shame it closed and has been left to languish, but I guess its time as a cheap bit of space, and a weekend opening hours dodge, have passed and its now a very derelict site in a not very desirable location.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lots of British Rail evidence here. There is a blue BRUTE trolley in some of the pictures which used to inhabit the platforms of all major stations but are now pretty rare. The sheer amount of asbestos to be removed would probably use up the budget of anyone attempting to restore this old tub so I suspect it will end up being weighed in for scrap in the future.

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