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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member











Closed this month ... was first in .. no forced entry, had to be quick as a 2 stage alarm went off .. full electricity still on including air con.. I didn't get to venture upstairs.. but will defo go back at a later date .. am happy with the pics I managed to get .. pics taken Nov 2020 (2 days after it officially closed for business, for good). It had been on the decline for years and profits were far and few..


The whole 2.5 acres was up for private sale 5 years ago at just under £4m, no buyers, Everlast still hold near a 20 year commercial lease on the premises, so they either got to buy out if the lease or sell as a going concern business, Don’t see anyone wanting to take on that premises in today’s mad world and especially is that unit has not made any profit for many many years and has just fallen into disrepair.
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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Closed Friday 13th of this month ... was 1st in .. no forced entry, had to be quick as a 2 stage alarm went off .. full electricity still on including air con.. I didn't get to venture upstairs.. but will defo go back at a later date .. am happy with the pics I managed to get .. picks taken SUN 15th Nov. (2 days after its closed for business) it had been on the decline for years and profits were far and few..

We are in lockdown!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We are in lockdown!!

I was alone, no one was with me nor there either and I was wearing a covid facemask...tbh there has been so many random covid warnings etc..that I haven't kept up to date with it all recently, Especially after Borris's nonsense speeches that I really cant make head nor tail of.. Still.. The 'explore' is done now...


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I was alone, no one was with me nor there either and I was wearing a covid facemask...tbh there has been so many random covid warnings etc..that I haven't kept up to date with it all recently, Especially after Borris's nonsense speeches that I really cant make head nor tail of.. Still.. The 'explore' is done now...

You've been here long enough to know right from wrong, you know full well we are on lockdown as well.
If you had fallen and injured yourself, stood on a nail and hurt your foot slipped on the floor and hurt your back or anything else you've taken up valuable emergency services time and risked their lives to covid by sorting you out.
You set the alarms off, presumably police had to respond to that wasting their time in this time of stretched man power.

Its done now is a really pathetic defence, you were so eager to show off you thought you were first in (you wasn't hence the doors were open) that you neglected the safety of everyone else around you.

As a site we take this sort of thing so seriously that last lockdown members were having a ban for exploring during lockdown, I do not know the current stance on this lockdown because from what I can see you're the first person to definatley do it as everyone else learned from the last time.

Please have a read of the relevant threads from admin regarding this.


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
As a site we take this sort of thing so seriously that last lockdown members were having a ban for exploring during lockdown, I do not know the current stance on this lockdown because from what I can see you're the first person to definatley do it as everyone else learned from the last time.
you surely haven't heard about what's been happening in Stoke then..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You've been here long enough to know right from wrong, you know full well we are on lockdown as well.
If you had fallen and injured yourself, stood on a nail and hurt your foot slipped on the floor and hurt your back or anything else you've taken up valuable emergency services time and risked their lives to covid by sorting you out.
You set the alarms off, presumably police had to respond to that wasting their time in this time of stretched man power.

Its done now is a really pathetic defence, you were so eager to show off you thought you were first in (you wasn't hence the doors were open) that you neglected the safety of everyone else around you.

As a site we take this sort of thing so seriously that last lockdown members were having a ban for exploring during lockdown, I do not know the current stance on this lockdown because from what I can see you're the first person to definatley do it as everyone else learned from the last time.

Please have a read of the relevant threads from admin regarding this.

I was unaware of the Lockdown rules regardless of what you think.. and the Alarm silenced after 10 mins.. and I waited out of site for an hour and no security or emergency unit attended plus even if I had tripped or fallen etc - (which I didnt) I wouldnt have called out Emergency Services anyway.. Also I didnt steal, break, damage, smash nor spray anything and left everything exactly as it was found.. Because I respect the places I explore.

I was also unaware of any previous site ruling previously and was not aware anyone had been banned at all.. I have not yet read ALL posts here.. Although I have read the ones pointed out to me once I first joined. I will now seek out those threads you speak of .. so I am knowlegible next time an opertunity arises.. Appologies.
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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
you surely haven't heard about what's been happening in Stoke then..

Yes I have but I didn't think it was our members being the assholes out exploring, I presumed it was the goons.
The police are quite rightly handing out covid fines to those found on the premises.
Two wrongs don't make a right.


O high
Staff member
I was going to make a point that it’s a good idea not to state the exact date you visited in your thread title, and that just the month and year is fine, which in this case could have saved you some of the grief you have received aha. All with good reason though...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was going to make a point that it’s a good idea not to state the exact date you visited in your thread title, and that just the month and year is fine, which in this case could have saved you some of the grief you have received aha. All with good reason though...
Ammended, Thanks for the headsup.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I was going to state the same as @Seffy but also remind you that we are in lockdown. But this lockdown does seem different. Places that are supposed to be closed are not, many areas its life as usual. I read in chat the consensus seems to be just wait, dont explore. Its not a big ask.

I was also going to say someone opened the place so not the first. But with that, there is so much equipment still in there, I wouldnt want to be caught in there. Even if I have no intention of theft.

I must say good photos though, but now I foresee a tour bus on route. Its so modern though. Not my kind of explore, but well done on doing it, just timing a little off tbf.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
One of the main rules set out surrounding this current lockdown or whatever you want to call it is to limit yourself to essential travel only - that's not rules set by this forum that's the rules everyone in England should be adhering to right now. Exploring does not fall under essential travel for work, food shopping or medical care.

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