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Report - Easington Colliery School - Durham - March 15


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

By 1913 a large council school was being built. According to Kelly’s Directory for 1914 “Easington Colliery School for boys, girls and infants when completed will have cost £21,000 for 1296 children; average attendance 320 boys, 310 girls and 325 infants.
In the separate schools the seniors were upstairs and the younger ones downstairs. The boys building was at the top of the bank separated by two yards from the girls’ building which was further down the road, nearer to the colliery. Each department had its own yard with outside toilets. In the senior boys’ yard was a special building, tucked in the corner for woodwork with a matching one for cookery in the girls’ yard. This arrangement continued until 1938 when the “New School” (always known as this even when it was about to be demolished in the 1990’s) was built. This building was between the colliery and the village in an area known locally as the ‘Waterworks’ in Whickham Street. The original schools in the colliery were roomy with good halls and yards but this new school had a gym, playing fields, halls with stages, domestic science and science rooms, art rooms plus each school was built round a quadrangle and it was so light and bright. The only room upstairs was a library.

The Explore

Explored with a few non members. Having been told about this little School, it was nice to get it done while up in Durham.
Split in to 2 sections, one for the girls and one for the boys with a great big wall down the middle I can only assume that being a schoolchild here and meeting a child of the opposite sex was like being like a kid in a sweetshop.
Made our way in to the Girls side first and was a good job we were with it as there were no floors, we initially thought we were too late. We clambered over beams and made our way upstairs to have a look about, a few little bits to see but not much really. Conversion had begun.
Came back down, went to the boys section again access was relatively easy, having a wander about and was pleasantly surprised.
Whilst the girls side was in the state it was, this side was aside from other urbexers and vandals not too bad. Lots to see so out came the camera! Infants
This should be called Pigeon Street School is because I have literally never seen so much Pigeon shit in my life! This was no longer a resting place, it was a bloody hotel for the feathered rats!! Everywhere I leant, everything I touched it was Pigeon! I was covered in the shit, literally! But, Pigeons aside it was a good explore and there was lots to see. I have since been told it is undergoing complete restoration so relatively lucky with timing.



By far my favourite room















28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I believe that in September permission was granted for the demolition but I'm unsure if there has been any progress made with that mate