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Report - - East Fortune Hospital, East Lothian - August 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - East Fortune Hospital, East Lothian - August 2019

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thought I would post up a recent update from here. Another solo mooch after a long night of fails, I was in the area so thought I would swing by. I have been coming here for years, place is largely a shit hole and has been trashed, torched and tagged up way more since my last visit in 2017, but the boiler house is still a favourite of mine so I wanted to get some better pics as it was sealed when I last visited. I have now been in every building, other than the boiler house there really isn't anything else of interest tucked away anywhere.


East Fortune Hospital was a Tuberculosis sanatorium for the south east of Scotland founded in 1922 when a World War I naval airship station at Drem East Lothian was converted into a hospital. For the duration of World War II the patients were accommodated in a hutted annexe at Bangour Hospital. East Fortune Hospital became part of the Board of Management of East Lothian Hospitals in 1948. In 1956 as tuberculosis patients began to decrease in number, mentally handicapped children were admitted, followed by adults three years later. The hospital became part of the North Lothian District of Lothian Health Board in 1974 and was closed in 1997 following the transfer of patients to Roodlands Hospital in Haddington.


Insta links everywhere, both inside and on the outside of the buildings. Twats.




















Thanks for looking!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice, not noticed the salon before. Can’t be many more hospitals of this vintage still out there.
Yeah I have not seen it before. I was a bit shocked to see intact mirrors, yet smashed sinks. Selective vandalism!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Good to see an update - so much of it was sealed when I went that I fancy popping back in, if only to break up the long journey north.

The boiler house is a favourite of mine as well.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good to see an update - so much of it was sealed when I went that I fancy popping back in, if only to break up the long journey north.

The boiler house is a favourite of mine as well.
I wouldn’t waste your time mate. I will have some way better places for you! ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Boiler house was also my favourite bit here, as you say not much to see elsewhere!


28DL Full Member
I love the colours in the 1st lamp pic and nice light falling on the Moses basket on the floor.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice to see this bumped. Really nice shots as usual, bringing the outside in literally, works so well for photos. That 5th shot is really beautifully creepy. But I love it :thumb


Maglite size T-rex, It's time for urbex!
28DL Full Member
I've been to the place twice and still not been in the boiler house yet. I don't know why but I like East Fortune, it's all trashed yeah but there's something about it, and so much history.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I've been to the place twice and still not been in the boiler house yet. I don't know why but I like East Fortune, it's all trashed yeah but there's something about it, and so much history.
Everyone seems to miss the boiler house, prob because it’s a bit of a fucker to get in. But yeah I really like it here as well, lost count of the number of times I’ve been but it’s a nice chilled out wander. Let me know if you fancy a revisit!

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