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Report - - East Norton Tunnel, Leicestershire - August 2023 | Underground Sites |

Report - East Norton Tunnel, Leicestershire - August 2023

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
This is one of a few places me and @JakeV50 headed for on a nice day in August. We fancied a bit of light painting and were running out of light for above-ground explores at this point so decided to head to this old tunnel.

Information & History
The East Norton tunnel was constructed in 1872 as part of the Great Northern and London North Western Joint Railway, more specifically the Market Harborough to Newark line. There were two other tunnels built in East Leicestershire on this line including the Hose Tunnel and Ingarsby Tunnel. East Norton also had its own railway station which closed when passenger trains stopped running on the line in 1952 or 1953 due to lack of use. Freight trains still used the line for a further ten years. The tunnel itself is 131.6 metres in length and is lined in brick with refuges located each side.

The tunnel under construction:


The Explore
We parked in a lay-by on the nearby A47 and went across a couple of fields. Summer probably isn’t the best time to do this place due to overgrowth but we managed to get through without too much difficulty. Jake found some sort of manhole cover that went underground, he climbed down and took a couple of pics but I didn’t fancy it. The tunnel itself was lovely, certainly not as nice as some of the others I visited though. The tractor which is seen in previous reports has now been removed. Inside there are some hay bales and a few random items towards the far end, there is also an old trailer inside. We probably spent around an hour inside then it got dark and we started to head home.

Approaching the tunnel from the nearby stretch of A47:



Heading on inside:


The old trailer dumped down here as mentioned above:


One of the refuges to the left of the image, these appeared a bit deeper than a lot of the other tunnels I have visited but I am not sure of the reasoning behind this:



The crap dumped down the other end:



And a final shot on the zoom lens:


Thanks for looking.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Very well shot, it's always difficult to shoot tunnels in a way that looks natural. Those first two are brill.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nicely lit shots there. Can’t beat a good tunnel!
Thanks! Yeah, I love the tunnels, this one wasn't as nice as some I have been to but still decent

Lovely images. Lite perfectly :thumb
Thanks as always Jane!

Very well shot, it's always difficult to shoot tunnels in a way that looks natural. Those first two are brill.
Cheers mate, yeah I agree I did have to adjust the white balance in Lightroom quite a bit to make it look as natural as possible

Really nicely lit shots. Come a long way from your phone and shining your torch in front of you ha ha.
Cheers mate I can't believe I used to even attempt that :rofl

Really decent that mate, well done on lighting it so well :thumb
Cheers, I can thank my Led Lenser for that :D

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good to see this again, has the old tractor gone? that was rather nice



28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good to see this again, has the old tractor gone? that was rather nice

Cheers mate, yeah the tractor has now gone sadly.

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