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Report - - East Tilbury Battery, 04/19 | Military Sites |

Report - East Tilbury Battery, 04/19

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
“Situated just half a mile away from Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury Battery, was constructed from 1887-93 and supplemented Coalhouse Fort as part of the Thames’ coastal defence system. It housed six long range firing weapons, mounted on disappearing carriages. There were two six-pdr guns on the left and right most sides, and two heavy 10-pdr guns in the middle. The battery was quite innovative in that it used the new method of hoisting rounds up to the guns from underground tunnels, and it was also aimed down the Thames and not across it, signalling the advancement in range and accuracy that rifled breech-loading guns had, being able to shoot further than simply across the river.
The battery was decommissioned in 1913 and later sold to a local farmer in 1930, for £1200. He used the site as an unofficial air-raid shelter during the Second World War, but the site has hardly been used since. The emplacements and magazines beneath are still extant as are some casemated barrack rooms and other buildings.
The present condition of the site is very good with many of the original stencilled signs remaining” -

The Explore:

This place was very difficult to locate and entry would not have been possible without google maps! If you find yourself going here wear layers and sturdy clothes as it is extremely over grown with copious amounts of stinging nettles and thorns.

Once we stumbled through the small Forrest of overgrown plants and trees we saw a glimpse of what might be a small window which indicated we were in the right place and had finally found the battery. The more we looked around the more we could see and the more eager we were to explore.

We had no plan and just went into the first enterance we found and explored the whole place from there.
Some rooms were empty apart from rusted hooks hangning on opposite walls. Again, the more you look the more you see. If you go close enough to study the walls you can see pencilled in writing with some dates. So interesting to see. Some rooms had old rusted machinery which we could only guess what they were.
We entered one particular part which had incredibly preserved signage infront of an externally dark hall way. We followed it and was utter pitch black and could only see what our tourches were pointing atbut seemed to be a large room. I Managed to get a couple photos with my flash on. Only to see what the place looked like through the photo. We explored eagerly with our tourches to find both ends of the main dark room had what looked like tunnels.

We crawled through these in darkness and shined our tourches around following the “to ammunition lift” signs. From this we found what seemed to be the remains of an old bed, some kind of machinery and of corse the lifts. These were covered with huge spiders and thick webs. The place was extremely dusty (dust masks recommended) and dark but fascinating to explore. If I return I will have to remember to bring a better torch!

The place has a little graffiti considering how long it has been there. Again it is incredibly preserved and decaying beautifully being taken back by nature.

I’ve tried to post the photos in order of which I took them but I don’t think they loaded up in that order. Also I can only post 30 on here but I do have an Instagram dedicated to my urbex photos and findings. ✌️































Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice one, photos much better than mine. I only did a little bit of here, it was so overgrown and I couldn't get around it all sadly. Looks like a return trip is needed.

Deleted member 133898

They had at one point completely cleared the site of overgrowth so was a lot clearer. Shame about the graffiti now starting.
This site must have fantastic when totally cleared, such a shame. Do you know why it hasn't been maintained since that clearance?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This site must have fantastic when totally cleared, such a shame. Do you know why it hasn't been maintained since that clearance?
I think the landowner made a start on clearance of the site. There were some photographs posted on one of the forums showing the progress but I can not locate them anymore. It was a few years ago now. They started at the battery approach roadway into the site.

Deleted member 133898

I think the landowner made a start on clearance of the site. There were some photographs posted on one of the forums showing the progress but I can not locate them anymore. It was a few years ago now. They started at the battery approach roadway into the site.
Shame they didn't carry on, cracking bit of history

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