I believe this is one of the more well known sites around Norwich as it has been abandoned for over 20 years now. @declannn and I went to check it out a few weeks back and took a few photos both on his camera and my phone which I'll attach below. We saw a couple of relatively friendly people as we were walking round who told us another group were also in the same building at that time but we never saw them. There was also a lot of pigeons especially on the higher up floors of the building which is a result of the broken windows. We didn't go in the basement as there was safety concerns about the amount of asbestos so we thought best to steer clear, the rest of the building seemed fine though and it was a fun trip!
The Norwich Electricity Company Limited (sometimes referred to as the Norwich Electrical Supply Company or the Norwich Electric Light Company) was founded in 1890 and purchased land at the site that came to be known as Eastern Electrical Building. The building closed in the late 1990s and has been derelict ever since, other than the car park being used from 2014 until 2021. Also on this site is a smaller building that we didn't go in to (as squatters are often in there and we could see tents) but has all 40,000 words from Sir Thomas More's entire 100-page-long book Utopia written onto the exterior building walls with lime whitewash by Scotland-born artist Rory Macbeth.
Now on with the photos...
Corner view of the smaller building
Close up of the words
Courtyard space that used to be the car park
View from a first floor window of a church in the distance
Not sure what this was but it looks interesting, perhaps a control box?
There was 2 staircases up the building, this one was brighter due to all the windows but absolutely stank from 20 years worth of birds living there. The small wooden pieces on the ground would have been from flooring I assume.
East facing view from the roof overlooking some flats and a car park, the top of the cathedral can be seen in the distance too
More photos of the roof, we didn't stay here long as we were told the police get called when residents see people on the roof.
South facing view over Norwich from the roof
Entrance to the roof and ladder leading to a higher area
Lift doors, definitely would not be wanting to try get in the lift as I'm guessing its in a pretty bad state
Probably my favourite bit of the whole building, I'm not sure what it is but there was a lot of switches and cupboards as well as the dividers that can be seen here
The kitchen, we didn't spend a lot of time here because like the stairs it reeked so bad, its interesting to think of how it would have looked while in use though
Thats all the best photos we got! It was so interesting to look round and its such a huge site which made it more exciting.
This is only my second report so please let me know if anything is missing or can be improved.
The Norwich Electricity Company Limited (sometimes referred to as the Norwich Electrical Supply Company or the Norwich Electric Light Company) was founded in 1890 and purchased land at the site that came to be known as Eastern Electrical Building. The building closed in the late 1990s and has been derelict ever since, other than the car park being used from 2014 until 2021. Also on this site is a smaller building that we didn't go in to (as squatters are often in there and we could see tents) but has all 40,000 words from Sir Thomas More's entire 100-page-long book Utopia written onto the exterior building walls with lime whitewash by Scotland-born artist Rory Macbeth.
Now on with the photos...
Corner view of the smaller building
Close up of the words
Courtyard space that used to be the car park
View from a first floor window of a church in the distance
Not sure what this was but it looks interesting, perhaps a control box?
There was 2 staircases up the building, this one was brighter due to all the windows but absolutely stank from 20 years worth of birds living there. The small wooden pieces on the ground would have been from flooring I assume.
East facing view from the roof overlooking some flats and a car park, the top of the cathedral can be seen in the distance too
More photos of the roof, we didn't stay here long as we were told the police get called when residents see people on the roof.
South facing view over Norwich from the roof
Entrance to the roof and ladder leading to a higher area
Lift doors, definitely would not be wanting to try get in the lift as I'm guessing its in a pretty bad state
Probably my favourite bit of the whole building, I'm not sure what it is but there was a lot of switches and cupboards as well as the dividers that can be seen here
The kitchen, we didn't spend a lot of time here because like the stairs it reeked so bad, its interesting to think of how it would have looked while in use though
Thats all the best photos we got! It was so interesting to look round and its such a huge site which made it more exciting.
This is only my second report so please let me know if anything is missing or can be improved.