It was an excellent afternoon of underground action, the only bit I hadn't been looking forward to was the 100 foot ladder but it wasn't quite as bad as I'd expected it to be. It's a hell of a lot harder work climbing back up of course.
I reckon we did very well to see the whole thing in five hours including taking a few snaps along the way.
This drain is one of the relatively more modern ones and was built in 1921, 30 years after Sir Bazalgette died although I'm pretty sure he'd have been impressed with it and how it interacts with several of his interceptors!
Your shots have come out well and those coloured lights add quite an atmospheric touch.
Good job for grabbing a photo of the ladder down, you can barely see half way to the bottom.
Glad you enjoyed it. It was a pleasant drain to finish the year off and it was great to meet @James Cross and @obscureserenity![]()
Tip my hat to you all for an end to end explore of Deep Ochre. I've only ever done the full distance twice, I feel I shall never need to again. :P Nice to see though.