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Report - - Eastry asylum Chapel - kent - Sept 22 | Other Sites |

Report - Eastry asylum Chapel - kent - Sept 22

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User

Just a mini report this one
Cant actually find much about this place at all but this is all that remains of Eastry asylum, a place I never had the privilege of seeing.
Tried this early last year when down that way but it was sealed, later in the year checked it again to find it open.


The chapel appears to of been used as a playgroup of some sort previously which at least made it a little more interesting inside.






Thats it from here​

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Chapel not changed much. Did this asylum around 5/6 years ago. The whole area was pretty well knackered then. A few rooms left, the boiler house and some wrecked offices.


Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
I'm amazed it's not been completely fucked inside. The final bit standing! The remains of the asylum were mostly a burnt out mess for years before demo. Good to see this have survived.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Wonder what beauty is hidden above that suspended ceiling.
Mmm not much Im guessing but may be a bit of nice woodwork up there
Chapel not changed much. Did this asylum around 5/6 years ago. The whole area was pretty well knackered then. A few rooms left, the boiler house and some wrecked offices.
I imagine the asylum would of been good back in the day.
Looks like a nice little place. I like the drawings on the wall surrounding the radiator.
Its ok if u are in the area.
I'm amazed it's not been completely fucked inside. The final bit standing! The remains of the asylum were mostly a burnt out mess for years before demo. Good to see this have survived.

Not sure its open much, as I say I was there early last year & was solid wood door with metal sheet then on this visit the whole door was laying on the floor!
But yeah its good this little bit is left, hopefully it will get tastefully restored one day.


28DL Full Member
Oh wow that still standing:O what about the other bits that used be around it , I was showing this back in 2018 even done some the building , nice shots so spookeub

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