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Eggborough Power Station, Yorkshire - 2018/19 | UK Power Stations | Page 3 |

Eggborough Power Station, Yorkshire - 2018/19

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g00n Buster
Staff member
Great photos mate. Nope to the open edge lol its making me feel uneasy looking at it. Did you not fancy a leg dangle? Looks like a bit of demo work has started now on the conveyors? Mad it was so quiet.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Amazed 101 picked up too!
They took about 20 minutes to answer, and after I explained our predicament they told me they would call back in a few minutes. They never called back. But I'm not going to bad mouth the police too much on this occasion - I'm sure they had better things to be doing than letting some trespassers out of a chimney, and they were cool about it all too.


Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
cracking stuff mate and quality photos as always. Glad the police were sound about it when you called them....makes a nice change. Always feared being locked in somehwere. ME and maniac got sealed into some swervice tunnels years ago but managed to find another way out after an hour or so of crawling around. Thought we were gona have to call and report ourselves back then haha.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Great photos mate. Nope to the open edge lol its making me feel uneasy looking at it. Did you not fancy a leg dangle? Looks like a bit of demo work has started now on the conveyors? Mad it was so quiet.
Fuck that! I only barely managed a hand dangle whilst laying down to take those shots!
They have demolished all the buildings in the coal yard with the exception of the main conveyor. I suspect the conveyor will be next, and there were signs work was beginning inside the main buildings. Its days are numbered.