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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is better

Next time you think someone wants to here your ‘constructive’ criticism, think again. This was a report about my experience with the equipment that I have readily available to me. Not everyone has the recourses to have all the right gear Straight up. My photos are good and clearly other like them also. This is also my second or third report. You’re not being constructive. You’re just being a bellend acting like you’re doing something for the greater good. It’s a bunch of photos on a page full of amateurs. Get a life.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Next time you think someone wants to here your ‘constructive’ criticism, think again. This was a report about my experience with the equipment that I have readily available to me. Not everyone has the recourses to have all the right gear Straight up. My photos are good and clearly other like them also. This is also my second or third report. You’re not being constructive. You’re just being a bellend acting like you’re doing something for the greater good. It’s a bunch of photos on a page full of amateurs. Get a life.


How is 'needs a tripod and a decent torch' not constructive? Read the survival guide as it tells you what to expect from this place. Don't blame me if you don't like it, blame the site. Why not have a word with one of the admins and see what they say...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

How is 'needs a tripod and a decent torch' not constructive? Read the survival guide as it tells you what to expect from this place. Don't blame me if you don't like it, blame the site. Why not have a word with one of the admins and see what they say...
And I use a tripod. I state right at the bottom of my post that the photos were taken on my iPhone and common sense will tell you that these photos are taken in otherwise pitch black therefore I did what was best with what I had. I also asked in my first report about cameras as I wanted to get into this more and that I was reluctant to write my other explores up because I didn’t want bad quality photos. The majority of people on that thread said that my iPhone photos were good and to stick to that for a while. You should’ve commented there where it was welcome. This post was made 3 months ago and you just randomly commented out of nowhere with a bunch of unsolicited ‘advise’. Being condescending isn’t advise. And I don’t care what the admins say about the quality of my photos. I’ve adhered to the rules.


Punkus Explorus
28DL Full Member
Chill out. Oort gave you a bit of advice, nothing nasty, and you retaliated like he's torn your report apart. God knows how you would've reacted 5 or so years ago when people on here were more blunt.

If you wanna get a camera, as you've stated that you wanna get more into this. I recommend Canon. I started with Nikon and have since found Canon more user friendly and cheaper for lenses.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Chill out. Oort gave you a bit of advice, nothing nasty, and you retaliated like he's torn your report apart. God knows how you would've reacted 5 or so years ago when people on here were more blunt.

If you wanna get a camera, as you've stated that you wanna get more into this. I recommend Canon. I started with Nikon and have since found Canon more user friendly and cheaper for lenses.
Mate, you two are the only ones needing to chill out. I’ve just been on Oort’s profile and apparently he regularly talks down to people.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Did you find any salts down there, what with it being Epsom? Nice photos by the way :-)

Ashley Road is in the wrong part of Epsom for that - the magnesium salts were extracted in an area now built around known as the Wells Estate. It's over to the west about midway between Epsom and Ashtead.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
You're the one that needs to chill out. I didnt say your photos were shit, I wasn't rude to you and I even said you'd done a decent write up! All I said was you need a tripod and a torch. Which, in my opinion you do and has nothing to do with having a pop at you simply that if you're going to explore underground you would be better off investing in a tripod and torch to help make your photography better. If that is too much criticism for you then this is really not the place for you. I have no idea why you've flown off the rails at a perfectly reasonable comment but at the end of the day that says more about you than it does about me.

Since, as you state yourself, you're a newbie its probably a good idea to fit in with the site than trying to make the site fit in with you, we're all in this together and we all give each other criticm and advice where we feel its needed, it's a public forum and everyone has a right to give an opinion. Generally when most newbies get advice from more established and experienced users they accept it with good grace and in the spirit it was inteneded. Realise that you've completely misconstrued my comment and move on.

The crazy brit

28DL Member
28DL Member
I used to play down in the underground bunker in Ashley Road Epsom when I was 10 yes old in 1965. It was totally unspoilt with no graffiti etc at that time. The entrance had been filled in with clay but we managed to climb it and dig a small hole through near the top and slide down the clay on the inside.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
To be fair , the report is well writtem, very well put together report, and yes for an iphone you have done well, ive had worse pics when i first got my dslr, oorts not being a dick , a bit blunt with the delivery of his advice to the casual onlooker maybe, but hes far from an arse, you can get a good price second hand Nikon, ignore punk with his talk of cannon, think hes got that the wrong way round, and mate its 28dl, there is banter, but for underground photography if you want to up your game you are going to need to get a dslr, bridge camera with an 8 second exposure at the very least!!


28DL Member
28DL Member
I used to play down in the underground bunker in Ashley Road Epsom when I was 10 yes old in 1965. It was totally unspoilt with no graffiti etc at that time. The entrance had been filled in with clay but we managed to climb it and dig a small hole through near the top and slide down the clay on the inside.
Have just come across this site and your post. Brings back a few memories. I was about the same age as you and back in the late 60's, me and a mate found this and agree with you in that it was totally unspoilt. No graffiti, no tin sheets covering the roof, totally original. I remember there was a cutting into the chalk that slowly slopped down to what appeared to be a dead end. On getting closer, there was a small hole in the chalk at the bottom of this dead end into which we could just fit then sliding down the chalk inside it opened up into a labyrinth of passages. I seem to remember a large room on the left hand side but couldn't explore it fully as ou torches at that time weren't as bright as they are nowadays.....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well done on the research for this one! Love the plan pictures.

I really do need to get underground more ha ha!

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