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equipment to get and places to explore

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28DL Member
28DL Member
what equipment would you recommend for a beginner without a ton of money to get?? Also if you can recommend any good places near Nottingham/Derby to explore that would be greatly appreciated


Regular User
Welcome to 28dl.

First off, have a read of this:

It's full of useful information.

Second - did you read any of the posts already in the bulletin board section you posted to? How about any of the 'intro' posts from people?

To more specifically answer your questions:
you don't 'need' anything specific for general 'exploring'. If your interests are to more specific things then you 'might' need equipment but for most things the requirements will be modest and there will be options depending on budget. That said, if you rely on something then buy quality as you can't easily buy a new head, arm, lung etc.

You aren't likley to get recommendations of places - you haven't given any indication of your interests or experiences (one of the reasons we encourage an intro post as the first thing people post after reading around the board a bit) plus, it's just not the way the hobby works.
This bulletin board has thousands of location reports (a real locaation is a requirement of those reports) and it has a good search facility.

Have fun and stay safe.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
what equipment would you recommend for a beginner without a ton of money to get?? Also if you can recommend any good places near Nottingham/Derby to explore that would be greatly appreciated
Like tigger said, the survival guide has a ton of stuff and realistically you don’t need much to explore besides your own legs

But a good flashlight, backpack (Decathlon has some good cheap ones lasted me years) and a respirator for the dustier places and you should be set. Maybe a pair of solid gloves if you want to climb anything, you can get cheap work gloves anywhere i recommend Mechanixwear fast fit, only a tenner and they’re solid

But all that matters is that you stay safe, so have fun with wherever you go!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A good pocketable torch, Convoy s2+ is great, lots of light for a small torch, easy in the pocket, cheap ( under 20 pounds )and good quality. Make sure you get it from the official Covoy store though ' Convoy Flashlight Store ' on Aliexpress.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
A good pocketable torch, Convoy s2+ is great, lots of light for a small torch, easy in the pocket, cheap ( under 20 pounds )and good quality. Make sure you get it from the official Covoy store though ' Convoy Flashlight Store ' on Aliexpress.
Aliexpress is godsend for cheap clothing to use and for solid stuff like gloves, their flashlights are great too if you hunt around


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yeah I'm on there nearly every day at the moment, waiting for two torches to arrive so checking delivery daily ahah.
Getting my self a Convoy S21D with 519a emitter, good strong flooder for underground or indoors and C8+ with W5050SQ3, really good thrower, can't wait !


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Yeah I'm on there nearly every day at the moment, waiting for two torches to arrive so checking delivery daily ahah.
Getting my self a Convoy S21D with 519a emitter, good strong flooder for underground or indoors and C8+ with W5050SQ3, really good thrower, can't wait !
Can’t get over how funny the names always are, it’s always Chinese randomness haha
Just got my order today some nice pants and a few new bags for my belt (saves me bringing backpacks during summer and sweating)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yeah they love thier stupidly long product codes that fry the brain, I have been balls deep reviewing torches this past few weeks so I have all sorts of sh6d626dxzmnbnd.thb codes in my head right now.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Yeah they love thier stupidly long product codes that fry the brain, I have been balls deep reviewing torches this past few weeks so I have all sorts of sh6d626dxzmnbnd.thb codes in my head right now.
Mad you can remember them, should take up another language if your memory is that good lol

But yeah best products I’ve seen, aliexpress tops it for me for like exploring stuff easy


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
As previously mentioned there is a comprehensive guide to equipment in the member areas.

You don’t really need anything too complicated or expensive in all honesty, I have the below on me as a rule.
- Camera
- Spare Batteries
- External Flash (my XT2 doesn’t have one built in).
- Torch (I’d recommend something by LEDLenser)
- Mono/ Tri-pod
- USB-C to SD Card Reader (not essential).

I started with the basics and slowly upgraded everything over time, so you don’t really need anything fancy to get you started. In terms of lenses I tend to only take what I’ll need.

I can’t stress how important a good torch is!
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subterranean explorer
Regular User
As previously mentioned there is a comprehensive guide to equipment in the member areas.

You don’t really need anything too complicated or expensive in all honesty, I have the below on me as a rule.
- Camera
- Spare Batteries
- External Flash (my XT2 doesn’t have one built in).
- Torch (I’d recommend something by LEDLenser)
- Mono/ Tri-pod
- USB-C to SD Card Reader (not essential).

I started with the basics and slowly upgraded everything over time, so you don’t really need anything fancy to get you started. In terms of lenses I tend to only take what I’ll need.

I can’t stress how important a good torch is!
don't forgot an urbex map & mobile link to youtube,