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Report - - Eston Fan House / SS Castle / Eston Mines - Cleveland Hills Teesside , 25th June 2024 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Eston Fan House / SS Castle / Eston Mines - Cleveland Hills Teesside , 25th June 2024

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cloak of invisibility
28DL Full Member
Eston Hills were a prolific area of industry spanning over 90 years started in around 1850 by Bolckow, Vaughan and Company and later taken over by Dorman Long both big names in the establishment of Middlesbrough and the industry of Teesside. 63 Million Tons of Ironstone were mined from here and hundreds of miners employed many of who sadly gave their lives in service of the industry. Iron and Steel from Teesside's Dorman Long was famously used across the world in the building of such iconic landmarks as the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

This was a trip with my son who is new to exploring and lives far from Teesside so will hopefully soon be positing some Welsh Urbex visits of his own ! I have been missing from the Urbex scene for quite a few years so this is a nice easy one to get back into it again !

The explore starts from a small housing estate in Eston and over a motorway bridge - then leads to a rather gruelling climb up to Eston Nab , we found the way back from the SS Castle much easier and a better route but that's always the way isn't it ?

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Fairly photogenic old metal bridge across the parkway including obligatory Love Locks !

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The first part of the hike arrives after some climbing at one of the Eston Mine Entrances which is well blocked up.

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Another long climb and we hit the top of the Hills with a superb view of Smoggyville or Teesside as its better know...For some reason there is an outcrop of rocks just before the top which some talented locals have planted a flag on ! My Doggo found it funny anyway ..



And then round the corner we hit Eston Nab a lookout tower from 1800 to protect against invasion in the Napoleonic Wars, these days it marks the point of a TV transmission site. In the backdrop can also be seen Roseberry Topping a local geological landmark formed by Ice Age Shifting.

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Trig Points can also be found at this location ..

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Its then a calmer walk across west towards the target area and making our way back down realising we never needed to be this high up - slightly annoying but got to see the Nab at least.
Next point of interest was a bridge from 1871 which would have straddled one of the many tracks used to transport the ironstone...

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and then the arrival at the SS Castle more formally know as Eston Fan House - the SS came from the steel S shaped supports on the building I am led to believe and also the fact it has something of a German look to it !

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Graffiti and wear and tear as local drinking spot have taken their toll but its still quite an imposing site as you come down the path.
The Fan House is a Guibal Fan named after its inventor Theophile Guibal and was designed to draw air down the mineshafts. It is a grade 2 listed building and currently under private ownership from what I gather. Some work is being done to try and protect this peice of our History and hopefully clean the site up somewhat in the future.

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Not much chance of entering inside so poked the camera and torch through a few holes to get a better look inside where the 30 foot fan would have lived.

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and there we have it . Off home for a well deserved cuppa after a little 3 hour jaunt ! Maybe some more to come soon I hope , thanks for looking and to Alex for the help with the photos and navigation ;) Good first trip


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cloak of invisibility
28DL Full Member
That's very photogenic, graff scrawl is unispiring - shame really, nice write up. Welcome back
Thank you mate ! Haven't done a report for a long time so glad it's up to standard. Thanks for the welcome back too, appreciated :)