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Report - - Guibal Fanhouse, Eston Hills - January 2021 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Guibal Fanhouse, Eston Hills - January 2021

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Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
@Calamity Jane
Fan houses work like this



Down t'pit
Regular User
Okay so Guibal is a type of building - not a location - my mistake

Guibal is actually the type of fan that is enclosed with a shutter to make it more efficient which makes it suitable for mines.

from google:


The only one I've seen in person was at Croesor mine. You can see where the blade slotted into the wall. In the background is the ventilation hole.



28DL Member
28DL Member
Not cool exploring during lockdown,
Your 'report' also needs to follow site guidelines/rules on posting ie proper title with area (nearest city, town or village) and date, some history of the place along with description of your explore.
A lot of us aren't interested in portraits either, someone swinging on a rope doesn't show anything interesting.

Thanks for letting me know as am new to this so any info is much appreciated I will be sure to provide more info and try to get better pics without my ugly mug in them next time


Guibal is actually the type of fan that is enclosed with a shutter to make it more efficient which makes it suitable for mines.

from google:


The only one I've seen in person was at Croesor mine. You can see where the blade slotted into the wall. In the background is the ventilation hole.

Thank you - you are never too old to learn something new especially on a site like 28DL

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
I always find it harder to breath when their removed and only 1 adit is open not good circulation then really you need at least 2 adits open , what age was this mine?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
An entrance still exists to the ironstone mine but the lack of any pictures of the inside anywhere would indicate that its probably collapsed a short way in.

It must be a huge mine as it operated continuously for 100 years, yielding millions of tons of ironstone from quite a thick seam. Was a dangerous mine apparently with 300 recorded deaths during the time it operated.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Mines need ventilation to remove all the dangerous gasses, so they have a fanhouse, housing a huge fan which draws air through the workings and expels it through the huge chimney kind of structure visible in the wider shot above. The motor required to drive the fan is usually about the size of a car, so pretty big!
Ah that makes sense, we see the mines, and I know gasses build up, its good to have a meter etc but never seen anyone post about a fanhouse. Thanks Andy, learnt something new. Dont know much about mines, except I love looking at them. :thumb

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