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28DL and UE in the News - Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham Post | 28DL and Urban Exploring in the News... | Page 6 |

28DL and UE in the News Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham Post

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subterranean explorer
Regular User
Some more info to add to this topic. Spoken to someone who used to be an apprentice down within the anchor and this is what he told me: "I walked the length of most of the tunnels back in the day. One came out at a large manhole close to the Reference Library via a deep shaft + numerous steel steps. As an apprentice I had to fit trunking to the side of the shaft down to heavy transformer / generating equipment in the base. "

if you find turds in there then you've lifted the wrong iid


28DL Member
28DL Member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

I'm not surprised, it's a working fibre optic junction thing type place. God knows where the entrance is now. I think myself and Raddog came the closest quite a while back, that's a different story.
Hi oxygen thief, can you elaborate a little on that different story?


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Lots of people have done it now but most dont want to incriminate themselves in public I think. Sadly empty.

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