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Experienced newcomer arrives in London - looking to gain some trust and get into good spots | New Members Introduction |

Experienced newcomer arrives in London - looking to gain some trust and get into good spots

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Nice to meet you all. I recently moved to East London for uni and am looking for some adrenaline. I used to live in and around Geneva and am used to a lot of the abandoned (or not) stuff you usually see. Not used to a big city tho. I’ve tried getting into derelict buildings here but London is a bigass city and I have no idea how and where to get in. most spots seem tight yk? I also don’t go solo. that’s why i’m here. If youre from london would appreciate a PM on where i can get started for my first report. I’ve got pics from back home but i doubt i can post them here. maybe info for a meetup or sum? still tryna figure out how this website works…


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Definitely get posting some photos from your homeland if you can, abroad stuff always goes down very well as it's things none of us have likely seen before.


Regular User
Welcome to 28dl

Don't forget the newcomers guide - a lot of very useful information in one place:

There's a sticky about posting reports too. Also worth a read before you post some of your previous adventures..which will be warmly received by most.

Good luck and stay safe


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Welcome to 28!

As above give the survival guide a read to help you get started. :thumb