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28DL and UE in the News - 'Explorers' infiltrate town's derelict dairy - South Devon Herald Express. 11:09:09 | 28DL and Urban Exploring in the News... | Page 2 |

28DL and UE in the News 'Explorers' infiltrate town's derelict dairy - South Devon Herald Express. 11:09:09

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: 'Explorers' infiltrate town's derelict dairy - South Devon Herald Express. 11:09:

What I wonder about is how the papers found out about it. They must hang around on here waiting for reports in their local area! According to the story, Dairy Crest didn't even know that the site had been trespassed, so how could the paper have found out, other than on here?

Someone should post up a fake report, insert the name of some old closed factory that would grab their attention, we could all chip in with some 'newsworthy' comments against the report and see if they publish it :) LOL


That'd be epic it make the newspapers look guilty also post some fake shots aka from other sites to trick the newspapers even more.


( . Y . )
Regular User
Re: 'Explorers' infiltrate town's derelict dairy - South Devon Herald Express. 11:09:

What I wonder about is how the papers found out about it. They must hang around on here waiting for reports in their local area! According to the story, Dairy Crest didn't even know that the site had been trespassed, so how could the paper have found out, other than on here?

Word of mouth I expect. It just takes someone in Totnes to see the report, and then they'll tell someone who might know someone at the paper and in no time it'll reach them. That, or there's only so many reports on cheese makers and farm shows in Devon they can get away with so they have to work hard to find something interesting. ;)

My report appears to have been deleted anyway, so the entire article is pretty redundant now. Oh well, I'm sure it's still on Derelict Places! :gay
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