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Report - Exploring Meaford Power station

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi guys this is my first report; exploring Meaford Power Station and surrounding areas.

  • The first thing I saw was the piles of rubble which remain from the demolition in 1982.
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  • The whole site is just wasteland apart from the now abandoned business park.
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  • Unfortunately I couldn't get into any of the buildings easily, and I didn't have a respirator with me anyway.
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  • Following the road towards the exit I came across the Bowling Club and Green as well as a disused tennis court.
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  • The old security booth is in good condition, still containing many items from the old days. I didn't enter due to asbestos (Respirator needed). There is also a weighing bridge for HGV's.
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  • The rest of the site is mainly rubble
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  • I came across a very deep reservoir/water tank

  • Wild rabbit spotted when exiting the site

  • After exiting the site I headed over bridge 101A and found a rail phone box on the old line which supplied the power station with coal.

That concludes my report on Meaford Powerstation, you can check out my full gallery of images from my visit here:

Thanks for reading :)


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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Towards the middle of the site you can still make out the rough outline of some of the cooling towers, it's an alright place for a wander around but there isn't a lot to see these days. They are actually starting work on the redevelopment fairly shortly, they're going to build a load of warehouses across the site. At some point they are going to build a CCGT station too.

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Been in all of those buildings, used to have a report on here, long deleted, and can't even find my pictures now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'm planning on returning soon to explore the buildings, then I'll update my post with images from inside. Unfortunately there isn't much at the site now, however you can still see rail tracks in the road and water pipes. You can get into the security booth which im also keen to explore.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Here's a few more images from the weekend, I still haven't got round to getting in the buildings (There were workman when I visited), I did some sleuthing about the back of the business park and found some interesting things I'd like to share:

(These photos were taken on my phone, apologies for the quality)
The first thing I saw was a pile of MMB Boxes (Milk Marketing Board), I concluded this was where tests were conducted on local milk since the boxes read MMB Central Testing.

The other thing I saw was pile of old Audi car parts, the picture speaks for itself really. Maybe it was stolen, or a writeoff who knows...

Thanks for reading :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Does anyone have any tips on getting in, I am quite intrigued on what is inside the buildings now. And yes, there was some garages on the Industrial estate, there must have also been a lab.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Very Nice! Thanks so much for sharing them :) Unfortunately those buildings have been demolished, the only ones which stand are the ones by the car park. I'll explore them asap.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Here's my images from exploring what remains of the business park.

Entering up the stairs attached to the fire door:

The top floor; its been stripped of all the valuables and is full of plaster tiles and desks.

All the windows are smashed on both floors


On the downstairs, there's a kitchen, reception and toilets




Thanks for reading and viewing :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Update: I have seen workmen everyday on the site working at the substation, this makes gaining access to the site now quite difficult without being seen. Visiting on a Sunday when they aren't there is advisable. A respirator would also be advisable, as there is a lot of dust and what I suspect to be asbestos which has been disturbed in one room.