The Deep Levels are harder... Nuff Said 
South Kentish Town was abandoned cos just not enough people used it. It sits between Kentish Town and Camden Town on the High Barnet branch of the Northern Line. It was open barely 15 years, from 1907 to 1924.
It was my first Deep Level Station and Zero and i cracked it one night after barely a single reccie. It was the ballsiest.
Still tiled, devoid of platforms, but full of charm and erm... foreboding atmosphere, it was quite the rush to be down there.
Bottom of the stairs:
Crossover passages:
Down the platform bound stairs:
Up the platform bound stairs:
Joiner passage and landing:
Southbound Tunnel looking south:
And looking North:
The tube station THAT NEVER OPENED. Built as North End Station in 1906 between Hampstead Road (later renamed as just 'Hampstead') and Golders Green, under the deepest part of Hampstead, in an area devoid of commercial areas and populated by only North Londons wealthiest, it was canned before shafts were ever driven to it from the surface, as the powers that be couldnt envisage it being used to a profitable level. By being left unopened, it gave the title of 'deepest tube station' to Hampstead, at 58.5 metres deep. Despite being closed, trains still run through North End at a depth of 67m.
It was used later on as the base for controlling the emergency floodgates that protected the tube tunnels near the Thames from bomb strikes, during the Cold War of all times. Shafts were dug down in the 1950s and workers on the job renamed the station Bull and Bush from its proximity to the famous freehouse nearby.
Bull and Bush is my favourite. Getting in was a fucking blast. Scary too.
The station is devoid of fittings (like most of the abandoned stations...) but only because they were never fitted rather than them having been removed.
The staircase is a bitch to climb, and leads to a small control room and abandoned lift shaft rooms before heading down to the partitioned platform cavity, which is now used for storage. Stupidly i only took a pissant little torch, so missing out on the chance to properly light the darkened sections...
Platform Cavities:
Platform Partition:
Crossover tunnel leading to an empty lift shaft base:
Staircase down to track level:
The Northern City Line was a branch of the Metropolitan Line before becoming part of what became the Northern Line. It ran as a single twin tube line from Moorgate to Finsbury Park before emerging from its oversized tunnels to open line. These oversized tube tunnels, huge at 16ft in diameter, were built to originally take main line trains but soon after their completion in 1904, ended up taking first Met stock tube trains, then later Northern line stock.
In 1964, sections were cannibalised for the Victoria Line, leaving almost a kilometre of abandoned tube tunnels.
And these.... are those.
And a little deeky at the Victoria Line, this is NCL tunnel reused for the southbound Victoria:
And newer, 1960's Northbound Vic Line Tunnel:
Butchered for the Victoria Line, but mostly left intact for National Rail trains to use, these are live, but far less dodgy than actual tube tunnels. They also contain a nice little abandoned section.
Single to Twins. Lighting created horrible reciprocity failure, so this shot has been monochromed:
Big Bastard:
Mega: (pic by Zero)
The abandoned tunnel junction:

South Kentish Town was abandoned cos just not enough people used it. It sits between Kentish Town and Camden Town on the High Barnet branch of the Northern Line. It was open barely 15 years, from 1907 to 1924.
It was my first Deep Level Station and Zero and i cracked it one night after barely a single reccie. It was the ballsiest.
Still tiled, devoid of platforms, but full of charm and erm... foreboding atmosphere, it was quite the rush to be down there.
Bottom of the stairs:
Crossover passages:
Down the platform bound stairs:
Up the platform bound stairs:
Joiner passage and landing:
Southbound Tunnel looking south:
And looking North:
The tube station THAT NEVER OPENED. Built as North End Station in 1906 between Hampstead Road (later renamed as just 'Hampstead') and Golders Green, under the deepest part of Hampstead, in an area devoid of commercial areas and populated by only North Londons wealthiest, it was canned before shafts were ever driven to it from the surface, as the powers that be couldnt envisage it being used to a profitable level. By being left unopened, it gave the title of 'deepest tube station' to Hampstead, at 58.5 metres deep. Despite being closed, trains still run through North End at a depth of 67m.
It was used later on as the base for controlling the emergency floodgates that protected the tube tunnels near the Thames from bomb strikes, during the Cold War of all times. Shafts were dug down in the 1950s and workers on the job renamed the station Bull and Bush from its proximity to the famous freehouse nearby.
Bull and Bush is my favourite. Getting in was a fucking blast. Scary too.
The station is devoid of fittings (like most of the abandoned stations...) but only because they were never fitted rather than them having been removed.
The staircase is a bitch to climb, and leads to a small control room and abandoned lift shaft rooms before heading down to the partitioned platform cavity, which is now used for storage. Stupidly i only took a pissant little torch, so missing out on the chance to properly light the darkened sections...
Platform Cavities:
Platform Partition:
Crossover tunnel leading to an empty lift shaft base:
Staircase down to track level:
The Northern City Line was a branch of the Metropolitan Line before becoming part of what became the Northern Line. It ran as a single twin tube line from Moorgate to Finsbury Park before emerging from its oversized tunnels to open line. These oversized tube tunnels, huge at 16ft in diameter, were built to originally take main line trains but soon after their completion in 1904, ended up taking first Met stock tube trains, then later Northern line stock.
In 1964, sections were cannibalised for the Victoria Line, leaving almost a kilometre of abandoned tube tunnels.
And these.... are those.

And a little deeky at the Victoria Line, this is NCL tunnel reused for the southbound Victoria:
And newer, 1960's Northbound Vic Line Tunnel:
Butchered for the Victoria Line, but mostly left intact for National Rail trains to use, these are live, but far less dodgy than actual tube tunnels. They also contain a nice little abandoned section.
Single to Twins. Lighting created horrible reciprocity failure, so this shot has been monochromed:
Big Bastard:
Mega: (pic by Zero)
The abandoned tunnel junction: