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Report (Permission Visit) - Express Lift Tower (Permission Visit) AKA Northampton Lighthouse - 2017 | High Stuff | Page 2 |

Report (Permission Visit) Express Lift Tower (Permission Visit) AKA Northampton Lighthouse - 2017

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
That looks nice up there. It's a funny thing abseiling. I was with a girl and she decided she was going to do a charity abseil of the old norwich maternity block. I went up to give her moral support and ended up signing up to go over myself ha ha. Going over the edge was the worse bit. It was fun but like you not something I am in a rush to repeat ha ha.
Iv done a fair bit & used to rock climb when I was younger a bit but always small stuff.
As mentioned when 200ft+ it was different from anything I'd ever experienced.
I think I actually have my eyes shut in that pic they took lol


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Iv done a fair bit & used to rock climb when I was younger a bit but always small stuff.
As mentioned when 200ft+ it was different from anything I'd ever experienced.
I think I actually have my eyes shut in that pic they took lol
The one thing it does not look high till your up top. And all the people below are little dots :rofl :rofl


"The Pump People"
Regular User
My grandfather used to work for Express Lifts back in the day, still got his old works briefcase with the logo on it somewhere around here. This was cool to see, nicely done.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
My grandfather used to work for Express Lifts back in the day, still got his old works briefcase with the logo on it somewhere around here. This was cool to see, nicely done.
Interesting, that sounds quite collectable


28DL Member
28DL Member
What an epic report on the National Lift Tower! Just imagine the view from up there. Talk about a 'lift' to your day, amirite?
Just like the unique character of this tower, in the lift game, customization is key. Whether you're dealing with lift installation or maintenance, companies like know the drill. They've got a heap of experience providing bespoke solutions for all sorts of lift and escalator needs.
I reckon the history of the Northampton Lighthouse just adds to its charm. Can't wait to see what the future holds for this architectural gem. Maybe someday it'll be more than just a testing ground, eh?

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just like the unique character of this tower, in the lift game, customization is key. Whether you're dealing with lift installation or maintenance, companies like know the drill. They've got a heap of experience providing bespoke solutions for all sorts of lift and escalator needs.
I reckon the history of the Northampton Lighthouse just adds to its charm. Can't wait to see what the future holds for this architectural gem. Maybe someday it'll be more than just a testing ground, eh?

thanks for the thread resurrection lol. yeah its a massive feature of the town that Im pretty sure will always be there, Im surprised they havent covered it in led advertising tbh!

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