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Report - - Eyebrook Reservoir Overflow, Rutland/Leicestershire - March '15 | UK Draining Forum | Page 2 |

Report - Eyebrook Reservoir Overflow, Rutland/Leicestershire - March '15


foul-mouthed oaf
28DL Full Member
Nice one pal, really sharp images..can't whack a good res :thumb
Got to agree with Ojay about that green type though...your report is now permanantly burnt onto my retina :D

The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Excellent pictures mate some of the reflections are really cool, it looks like great place to visit.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely shot mate, ditto the reflections :thumb

For some reason i always thought Ladybower was the reservoir they"d practiced on :coatlol


Punkus Explorus
28DL Full Member
Nice one pal, really sharp images..can't whack a good res :thumb
Got to agree with Ojay about that green type though...your report is now permanantly burnt onto my retina :D

I type my reports up in green, then change it back because of my dyslexia. On this report and another I forgot to change it back.

Excellent pictures mate some of the reflections are really cool, it looks like great place to visit.

The reflections in here were a perfect opportunity to piss around with the camera

Nicely shot mate, ditto the reflections :thumb

For some reason i always thought Ladybower was the reservoir they"d practiced on :coatlol

I went to Ladybower on thurs (02-04-15) and the water levels were too high. I was gutted