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Report - - Faraday University Building, Manchester - Nov 2022 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Faraday University Building, Manchester - Nov 2022

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( . Y . )
Regular User
As we got nearer to the top of the building, I gave up on snapping the labs, as there was four or five on every floor.

Reminds me of Birmingham Dental Hospital in a way. When we saw the first floor of dentists chairs we were punching the air with joy, but by the fifth or sixth floor we were sick of the sight of the bloody things! Similar looking building too. Great work!


Regular User
Big yes. Absolutely love stuff like this. Sounds like a similar story to the old TVU campus in Slough which was in the middle of the city towering over everything but nobody paid it any attention for years.

Got smashed by SNC this whole campus. Mostly Millhouse's efforts and Jobs I think. The mega report was culled from the forum.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I love it , actually I am doing the research on this building. If there are floor plan of this building, it would be perfect.

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