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Report - - Ferodo House, Sheffield, March 2018 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Ferodo House, Sheffield, March 2018

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Peter E

28DL Member
28DL Member
Cheers Dweeb. I’m guessing she probs doesn’t look like this these days. I tried to find out what she’s actually advertising but have drawn a blank.
The lovely Susie was promoting Susies for Intertruck Ltd. Susies (aka Suzis, Suzies etc etc) are the brightly colour coded self coiling hoses that connect the braking system of a semi-trailer to the tractor unit of an articulated lorry. The technology of the self coiling hose was originally used for electrical connections, Susie being a messy acronym for self-coiling suspended insulated electrical lines. From memory, Intertruck was acquired by Brown Brothers, a national chain of motor factors which, in turn, was acquired by Dana Corporation of Toledo, Ohio. Lost the plot at that stage, but Brown Brothers may have ended up in the Unipart family. The product is manufactured and sold by countless other companies around the world, Intertruck was only a reseller, but introduced slick marketing and advertising to the grubby, oily rag filled world of commercial vehicle maintenance, back in the 1970s,

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