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Report - - Fisons Fertiliser - Ipswich - Oct 19 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Fisons Fertiliser - Ipswich - Oct 19

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I dont think there has been a post fire report so here goes.

Now rather embarrassingly I had no idea we were at Fisons, it was just somewhere a mate noticed while we were in the area & thought we would pop in.
Even looking at the helta skelta shoot it didnt dawn on me till a bit of post research gave me the answer.

So taking it for what it was too us (a large burnt out ind site) this actually made some decent snaps despite being a bit overcast.

If you have been living in a cave (like me) for the last year you may of missed the fact that the "listed" building was razed to the ground in May this year which some find a bit over coincidental.

Im suprised the travellers havent striped this place, there is Tonnes f steel just laying there for the taking!

I wont do the history as its been done numerous times, but its all here
















Hey get me, no flickr image tags...Its only taken me 6yrs to sort that lol

mockney reject

Staff member
It seems weird to see it like this, my girlfriend lives nearby and we went the night after the fire. It was sad to see it. But your pics give it a new lease of life.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
It seems weird to see it like this, my girlfriend lives nearby and we went the night after the fire. It was sad to see it. But your pics give it a new lease of life.

Thanks Im kind glad I didnt get to visit before the fire, Im sure this would of been quite hard to take!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Some pretty impressive shots there, its sad re the fire, but whats left is pretty photogenic. I like the rusted structures, and the B&W shots. Youve turned a fired up place into something kinda nice

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Some pretty impressive shots there, its sad re the fire, but whats left is pretty photogenic. I like the rusted structures, and the B&W shots. Youve turned a fired up place into something kinda nice

Thanks Jane nice of u to say so. I think with some nice sunlight in there it could still be pretty spectacular!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Had always wanted to do this place, what a shame. So annoying that people have to destroy places like this

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