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Bajo Tierra
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28DL Regular User
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Jumbles Quarry Steam Crane

Stopped by on a driech day on the way up to the Pennines.
It’s a well known artefact even if it hasn’t featured on here.

History copied from
The construction of the Stocks Reservoir was undertaken by the Fylde Water Board between 1921 and 1932. Stone for culvert arches and elsewhere in the works was obtained from Jumbles Quarry which was opened out high up above the reservoir site.
A three foot gauge railway was constructed to move the stone and a standard gauge steam rail crane by Smith of Rodley was installed in the quarry. Stone for aggregate was first exposed here in September 1925 and larger stones were being quarried by March 1926.
On completion of the reservoir the quarry was abandoned and now…the tracks and crane are still there. Apart from the cylinders which have been removed, the crane is remarkably intact, probably due to the remote and inaccessible location.

See for information about cranes made in Leeds, including this one.











I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
It's not worth making another thread on it at all as it's one of the most photographed of all places inside the M25, but after nearly 14 years of exploring I finally saw and photographed Harefield Limeworks, home of the hanging monkey - and his younger friend in a kayak now sporting a Ukrainian flag - which is less than an hour away from me.

He's still hanging in there, although looking a lot more battered and forlorn nowadays.





Regular User
Another "not worth making a report" post. Phone snapographs of Twin inward flow turbine from (Charles) W(illiam) Gunther & Sons



Detour was purely to check access as I want to get some detailed photos and measurements before it gets scrapped.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
What was part of the original Lotus factory set over a few sections. Later used as Lotus classic cars to show the collection of Lotus cars over the years. A new purpose built building as been built next to it leaving this redundant. I looked late last year and got in one section but it's a stripped shell. No old Lotus cars inside sadly. Went back recently and they had locked the bit I got in. The rest is still very secure.



Taunton in 2015 and request for help



My picture from 2015 shows the GWR fencing at the point where the main line left for access to the engineers yard and the concrete works on the East side of Taunton railway station. This has all been replaced with modern fencing and the concrete works is now a housing estate although remains of the footpath between the two sites can still be found. I'm interested if anyone has pictures of the concrete works - interior or exterior as my father worked there for over 20 years. I didn't have a camera and anyway you don't tend to take pictures of things you grow up with. Most people would have headed to the west side of the station as that was where the the railway depot and sidings could be found. Centred on ST23122560 the concrete works were built by the GWR and closed on 31st March 1992. The biggest collection of pictures can be found at Taunton Concrete Works - the site making 100s of concrete items from small moulded ones to large reinforced bridges. Any pictures you find are for my own use.

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