While in Scotland on other business I managed to get in touch with the owner of this post who, on very short notice, agreed to bring up some of the equipment for us to have a look at - this was the first time I've seen many of these things for myself and it was really good to be able to see them up close.
GZI internals
The teletalk surprised me, it looks so much like a kids toy in the pictures but it's a pretty substantial bit of kit, certainly wouldn't want it slamming closed unexpectedly when pressing a button!
I found this quite amusing, apparently because of H&S they had to have a fire exit sign.. pretty bloody obvious where the fire exit is I would have thought!
** Nothing of value or interest is left in the post when closed, it's securely locked and alarmed. **
GZI internals
The teletalk surprised me, it looks so much like a kids toy in the pictures but it's a pretty substantial bit of kit, certainly wouldn't want it slamming closed unexpectedly when pressing a button!
I found this quite amusing, apparently because of H&S they had to have a fire exit sign.. pretty bloody obvious where the fire exit is I would have thought!
** Nothing of value or interest is left in the post when closed, it's securely locked and alarmed. **