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Report - - Glenfield scrap yard Leicester (May 2020) | Industrial Sites |

Report - Glenfield scrap yard Leicester (May 2020)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So this one I can’t confirm that it’s definitely unused as it has an entry way on a road. But I’ve been several times now and it’s never changed besides this one time I found the remains of a weed farm

From trying to work out who it belongs to and anything about it all I’ve found it that it belongs to Glenfeild motor spares and the last time anyone really said anything about it was 2 years ago. Even though there’s not really any history to it the pace is pretty cool!

It’s located not far from the railway inn pub. There’s a lovely long walk behind the pub and the shops which you can get to it via. The yard is mostly full of big containers filled with car parts or ones that are burnt out. It’s a pretty cool looking spot and I plan on going back with a fire performer I know to take some cool videos.

Check out some of the photos here (sorry there not incredible as it’s my old camera)








Oh no that’s Birmingham! This is Leicester....I’ll change the title to say
Hang on - don't rush - their head Office was in Birmingham. their site is in Leicester - all the details are in the linked documents such as -------
Glenfield Motor Spares started in year 2001 as Private Limited Company with registration number 04251280. The Glenfield Motor Spares company has been functioning successfully for 19 years now and its status is liquidation. The firm's office is based in Birmingham at Cvr Global Llp. Postal code: B1 2JB.
This company operates within the LE12 5TY postal code. The company is dealing with transport and has been registered as such. Its registration number is OF1098281 . It is located at Glenfield Motor Spares Ltd, Barrow Lane, Leicester . Note further reading of documents shows the Birmingham address to be that of the liquidators. In 2016 the actual HQ of the company was Lonsdale High Street Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4AD - it was compulsory forced into liquidation
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Doesn't look used. Photos are fine, nothing wrong with them. :thumb
It is not being used but is an asset to the company creditors [well on paper anyway] latest winding up document from liquidators dated Aug 2020. The court ordered compulsory liquidation in 2016. Reading the documents looks as if the Birmingham address listed above as their HQ is actually the office of the liquidators. The company's HQ was actually Lonsdale High Street Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4AD in 2016. It's taken pages of documents to get this far and I've changed the comment above


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It is not being used but is an asset to the company creditors [well on paper anyway] latest winding up document from liquidators dated Aug 2020. The court ordered compulsory liquidation in 2016. Reading the documents looks as if the Birmingham address listed above as their HQ is actually the office of the liquidators. The company's HQ was actually Lonsdale High Street Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4AD in 2016. It's taken pages of documents to get this far and I've changed the comment above
Well someone is better at delving into the internet then I am hehe


28DL Member
28DL Member
I know about this place, not anything to do with Birmingham or the LE17 postcode
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