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Information - - Go Outdoors: Climb X Pilot Harness and Belay Set | Kit / Clothing / Equipment |

Information - Go Outdoors: Climb X Pilot Harness and Belay Set

Oxygen Thief

Staff member


Climb X Pilot Harness and Belay Set | GO Outdoors

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
What's that strange pouch thing bottom right? Is that to keep your balls warm ;)

Great price for that kit.


Poking holes since '84
28DL Full Member
Decent set for the price. Got the identical Wild Country set from them for a similar price last month.


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
Good bit of kit for the money this. I bought one quite a while back to replace a mouldy old Black Diamond one in a bit of a rush, thinking it'll do for a while, & I still use it. Think a couple of others on here bought them too so if you're in the market for a cheap harness, buy buy buy!

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