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Report - Godalming Golf Club

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28DL Member
28DL Member
So I'm relatively new to urbex, but I have explored a few locations around my area and know some details about history, so I thought I would start doing reports of what I know. This was the first explore I did other than a few pillboxes, but it was definitely interesting nether less.

The Explore
The site is located fairly near to public footpaths, but has coverage so cannot be seen from them. Whilst small, the site is interesting to explore, as many of the old electronics still remain. Unfortunately the site has become a frequent to vandals and is usually occupied by a fair amount of litter. There is one main area with a smaller room to the side, and various remains of golfing structures littered around the area. Secca is practically non existent and access is easy, so it's a great site for newcomers such as myself.

The history
The site used to be a golf club, however it was constructed on a landfill site. Many golfers complained of rubbish coming out from the ground while playing, and eventually the site was deemed unfit for building. The club officially closed its doors on 20th July 2019. Plans were proposed to renovate the site / reuse the land, however due to the landfill and mass appeal from
the public, no further plans have been made as of yet.







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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thats not a bad effort, a bit of history & a bit about the explore.
Few more pics would be nice & some may argue its not really worthy of a report, but fair play for getting out!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Welcome to 28 dl. Good 1st report. Just got some history, some experience of your explore, and a few snaps. Followed format quite well, not bad at all.
All I will say for further ref; Is add mth & yr & area ie. Guildford in title bar, not tags. People miss tags. And the mth & yr show us deterioration over the yrs . Add maybe around 8 good shots too showcase as a min if possible.

Other than that. Enjoy this wonderful hobby/passion/obsession CJ


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
Drive past this everyday the main building is still in use with the car wash, the council refused to renew lease due to the rubbish and as far as I'm aware they don't intent on sorting the problem it's a right eyesore and local Haven for the junkies and and wannabe gangsters

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