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Question - Good equipment?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey, I’m new to this and I’m looking for good equipment. Can anyone recommend things like boots, gloves, masks and bags?


"You BOY!
Regular User
Hey, I’m new to this and I’m looking for good equipment. Can anyone recommend things like boots, gloves, masks and bags?

Hi and welcome,

Take a look at the bottom of the page "similar threads"
Theres tons of suggestions, not to mention people asking the same question.


Regular User
Welcom to the bulletin board.

I have to wear something like this occasionally. It's even better than the reflective coat and hard hat for keeping people away ;) Totally nettle and bramble-proof.


Suggest that as well as the advice above from @TranKmasT there is also a search box at the top right of the webpages that you can use.

Some sticky threads for newly subscribed people and this one in particular is well worth a read:

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Well tunnels you want to veiw the torch buying guide on here it’s very helpful enless your thinking of mines and caves then it’s a hole different ball game as such mate, boots are more a personal choice I find and gloves depending on if your getting wet etc try be a bit more precise you shall get a lot more help mate