well this was hardly a mad adventure into the unknown, as these docks have been explored many times
I learned about them on Hidden Glasgow :
to have a look at their very interesting report from before demolition (2003) :
hiddenglasgow:: Govan Graving Docks
So old news really, but I was glad of the shots I got, so here they are :
most of the buildings have been knocked down now, but the place still bears a strong sense of what the heyday of the shipyards could have been like.
I though this building had a very nice structure:
fancy a wee waterslide?
this bridge (along with the 2 others) actually used to be pulled under the dock to allow ships to enter! it's massive
you can see how it works on the blueprints (thanks HiddenGlasgow):
from the part that has been almost entirely demolished (see hiddenglasgow for old pics)
post industrial wildlife... too bad I wasn't fast enough for the foxes
thanks for looking!
well this was hardly a mad adventure into the unknown, as these docks have been explored many times
I learned about them on Hidden Glasgow :
to have a look at their very interesting report from before demolition (2003) :
hiddenglasgow:: Govan Graving Docks
So old news really, but I was glad of the shots I got, so here they are :
most of the buildings have been knocked down now, but the place still bears a strong sense of what the heyday of the shipyards could have been like.
I though this building had a very nice structure:
fancy a wee waterslide?
this bridge (along with the 2 others) actually used to be pulled under the dock to allow ships to enter! it's massive
you can see how it works on the blueprints (thanks HiddenGlasgow):
from the part that has been almost entirely demolished (see hiddenglasgow for old pics)
post industrial wildlife... too bad I wasn't fast enough for the foxes

thanks for looking!