GPSS Sawtry was a former Government Pipelines and Storage System depot that supplied fuel to RAF Alconbury. It was built on the site of a former Second World War POW Camp and closed sometime around 2007 the site houses 4 large underground fuel storage tanks/pumps aswell as some older surface buildings and 2 large modern warehouse blocks to the rear of the site.
The Explore
After coming across this while browsing google maps on way to another explore the site stood out as military from above and after checking edob online it was listed as a fuel depo so we decided to check it out the next day on the way back home figuring it would probably be a small explore the break up the journey home little did we know we would spend over 2 hours there. As we parked up still not knowing if this was actually still an active site my husband checked his public footpath maps as he always dose and he saw it listed as gpss on there so a quick google and a 28ds post poped up as the first result so yup thats a go! We found an entry point right away and looking just in the first building i knew this was gona be more interesting than we thought full of clutter, signs and crates nothing i love more than a room piled with stuff to rummage through and photograph. Shortly after entering the main site we meet another explorer who mentioned about NATO paperwork in the rear buildings so i was already looking forward to having a look inside but we first headed to the fuel bunkers not long after another group of explorers turned up who we got chating to. They told us apparently there where armadillos in that part of the site until recently which explains the lack of photos inside them on previous reports, once we had finished the fuel bunkers (me wishing we had packed waders ๐) we proceeded to the modern builds and was shocked to see what was inside we definitely understood why they had dillos guarding that place why they removed them i have no idea but there in front of us was 6! Massive portable diesel pumps brand new looking with boxes of spare filters and instructions (although even with that I still couldn't find the on switch)๐ after checking out the other shed that was full of empty part boxes by this point was dark much to my annoyance as i had planned on getting the drone up once back to that car with everything explored and daylight gone tired from a long day we headed home. (thats a lie we drove by an empty school and then did an old railway tunnel)๐ to relax after another great explore.
Boxed of what I assume are filters i didn't move any to check given what alot of old filters are made of lol
Unfortunately we couldn't go any further
The sheds with a surprise inside
We found the box outside and brought it back in after finding the book
Then we headed to the gatehouse the only part on the site that has actually been vandalised
thanks for looking
The Explore
After coming across this while browsing google maps on way to another explore the site stood out as military from above and after checking edob online it was listed as a fuel depo so we decided to check it out the next day on the way back home figuring it would probably be a small explore the break up the journey home little did we know we would spend over 2 hours there. As we parked up still not knowing if this was actually still an active site my husband checked his public footpath maps as he always dose and he saw it listed as gpss on there so a quick google and a 28ds post poped up as the first result so yup thats a go! We found an entry point right away and looking just in the first building i knew this was gona be more interesting than we thought full of clutter, signs and crates nothing i love more than a room piled with stuff to rummage through and photograph. Shortly after entering the main site we meet another explorer who mentioned about NATO paperwork in the rear buildings so i was already looking forward to having a look inside but we first headed to the fuel bunkers not long after another group of explorers turned up who we got chating to. They told us apparently there where armadillos in that part of the site until recently which explains the lack of photos inside them on previous reports, once we had finished the fuel bunkers (me wishing we had packed waders ๐) we proceeded to the modern builds and was shocked to see what was inside we definitely understood why they had dillos guarding that place why they removed them i have no idea but there in front of us was 6! Massive portable diesel pumps brand new looking with boxes of spare filters and instructions (although even with that I still couldn't find the on switch)๐ after checking out the other shed that was full of empty part boxes by this point was dark much to my annoyance as i had planned on getting the drone up once back to that car with everything explored and daylight gone tired from a long day we headed home. (thats a lie we drove by an empty school and then did an old railway tunnel)๐ to relax after another great explore.
Boxed of what I assume are filters i didn't move any to check given what alot of old filters are made of lol
Unfortunately we couldn't go any further
The sheds with a surprise inside
Then we headed to the gatehouse the only part on the site that has actually been vandalised