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Report - - Gravesend Maternity Hospital, Gravesend - Jan 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Gravesend Maternity Hospital, Gravesend - Jan 2019


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Gravesend hospital first opened in 1854. The site was donated by Lord Darnley, Darnley road in Gravesend town still exists. By 1863 the small infirmary had 15 beds. The Infirmary was known as Gravesend hospital. In 1880 Duchess Darnley opened a childrens` ward alongside the 15 bed adult infirmary. By 1888 the hospital started to extend and two more circular wards added. These were called Russell wards and being circular with 4 beds each side, this allowed a nurse to sit in the middle and watch other
In 1895 and again in 1905 the hospital extended to have 75 beds. The cost of this was around £7000
During WW1 the hospital was affiliated with Chatham hospital and had many French wounded patients. Between 1926 & 1928 council meeting were held and it was decide that the hospital was now in need to mass extension, costing a massive £60,000 . So in 1930 it was extended again to house 107 beds and 9 cots.

By 1945 the hospital found its beds in constant use and in need of massive expansion again, the hospital had become dilapidated and concrete could be seen more than the flooring. From 1946 to 1965 the hospital was extended and refurbished. New operating theatres opened in 1966. But still it was not big enough.

A new wing opened in 1971. It had cost £734,000 and contained a a general medical unit and a Maternity Department with 50 beds and 6 cots in the Special Baby Care Unit. But by 1986 its future had become insecure and was due to close. Edwina Currey attended the hospital as a protest was launched and 40, 000 signatures handed to her.

In 1997 a minor injuries unit opened the opposite side of the road to the main hospital. But with the looming of the Darenth Valley Hospital being built is was only a matter of time before most services were moved to the New hospital at Dartford.
The main hospital closed in 2004 with some treatments moving to M unit. Until that too finally closed in 2006. Not widely known that for 2 years from 2004 to 2006 M block was used as a mental unit.

The end 2006 My Explore
So me and few others explorers thought we would just go see what it’s ljike now and oh wow it really is just a shell been smashed to bits really still some cool things in there though




















Staff member
Not a bad first effort, just needs a date in thread title please, edit button at top of thread :thumb


Perfect timing. It just goes to show with a bit of effort it's simple enough to stick a half decent thread up, thanks for that :thumb

Too many people moaning elsewhere saying it's impossible etc etc (yawn) thanks for proving them all wrong with your first attempt!

What usually follows when we try and help is a tirade of abuse over on social media calling us all un-helpful c***s etc, well the few replies so far prove otherwise also, go figure..

Look forward to seeing more stuff, just focus on a sensible amount of the most interesting aspects of the places you visit and work on those wonky pics a little, other than that all good


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Perfect timing. It just goes to show with a bit of effort it's simple enough to stick a half decent thread up, thanks for that :thumb

Too many people moaning elsewhere saying it's impossible etc etc (yawn)
Perfect timing. It just goes to show with a bit of effort it's simple enough to stick a half decent thread up, thanks for that :thumb

Too many people moaning elsewhere saying it's impossible etc etc (yawn) thanks for proving them all wrong with your first attempt!

What usually follows when we try and help is a tirade of abuse over on social media calling us all un-helpful c***s etc, well the few replies so far prove otherwise also, go figure..

Look forward to seeing more stuff, just focus on a sensible amount of the most interesting aspects of the places you visit and work on those wonky pics a little, other than that all good
thanks for proving them all wrong with your first attempt!

What usually follows when we try and help is a tirade of abuse over on social media calling us all un-helpful c***s etc, well the few replies so far prove otherwise also, go figure..

Look forward to seeing more stuff, just focus on a sensible amount of the most interesting aspects of the places you visit and work on those wonky pics a little, other than that all good

Thank you I’ve just been using my phone I think it’s time for me to invest in a good camera , I’ve been to some good locations .I shall be putting my reports up shortly ,?


rebmeM LD82
Regular User
I'm shocked that place is still standing, it's been empty many years now. Good to see it again!


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
I think you're about right. It was such a mess inside I didn't bother photographing. Looks like it's been cleared out.
yep,we spent more time getting in,aided by a drunken me yanking bits off loudly :D

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