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Report - - Great Western Railway Club, Oxford - November 2022 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Great Western Railway Club, Oxford - November 2022

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"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
I try to keep on top of all local explores; but this one seemed to slip me by for the almost 13 years it has been closed! Not much about it, except that it had been closed since 2009 (actually 2010 going by the final parties it had in the early part of that year) and is up for development by the local Cherwell College; who want to turn it into tuition rooms.

It has a lot of weird odds and ends inside it from the construction of the Halls of Residence and also random antiques, which I can only assume were stored here. As I say, its been sitting for so long untouched, and the elements haven't got to it in those years as much as I thought they would considering its construction materials; but it does seem to be slowly "going".

There were lots of tell tale signs of squatters living here as late as 2017, with notices of intent! The well stocked bar contained drinks from 2010!

Thanks to @mookster for the tip off. Visited solo back in November.











It makes me very old to think "Luke"; whose birthday party was probably one of the last events here; is nearly 23!!!

Thanks, More At:


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
ive been looking on google maps and it looks quite big as if its been built on now, are you aware if it still abandonned?

It's still there but it's pretty much in the middle of a big construction site now as the long awaited works to expand the railway station are ongoing.

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