Ok so this is my First report, been in many factories but never really take that many photos. By now you all know the history of the Green lane works so I'll by-pass that and get on with the pictures: 
This is the front of the Green Lane works, with the "golden clocktower"
Plans for the Re-development
Big Barrels Stocked up
Didn't Realise there was a security guard until we got to the far end and realised a brand new BMW parked inside the court, made our way round and when security turned up quickly slipped away and jumped over a 8ft wall.

This is the front of the Green Lane works, with the "golden clocktower"
Plans for the Re-development
Big Barrels Stocked up
Didn't Realise there was a security guard until we got to the far end and realised a brand new BMW parked inside the court, made our way round and when security turned up quickly slipped away and jumped over a 8ft wall.