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Report - - Grotto/Side Mine/High Tor Colour Works/Rockwood Pigments, Matlock, Derbyshire - July 2021 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Grotto/Side Mine/High Tor Colour Works/Rockwood Pigments, Matlock, Derbyshire - July 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The winzes I can see from ya photo is a hell of a drop should be on cow tails their but I assume they haven’t been bolted to keep the YouTube idiots out most likely I no their is a permission system set up for this mine is not my area so I don’t no much , I love the stone stemples very unique I believe their only used here ? as pirate has said a head torch is just as important as a helmet well spotted :thumb .

fair play for having a good time but you always have to think if the worst was to happen the rescue team has to get you out , could this have been avoided with a head torch ,helmet ? These eliminate a lot of risks I have seen a few near misses 1st hand and it’s scary .


This is the winze in question.; I'm far too afraid of heights to try those shenanigans at the other winzes!
Worst case scenario:

Lesson learned: will be suited and booted next time​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the winze in question.; I'm far too afraid of heights to try those shenanigans at the other winzes!
Worst case scenario:

Lesson learned: will be suited and booted next time​

I been trying to find that pic but am at work lol

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Well done, 10 points for getting out and about but -50 for not remotely having the appropriate gear.

Its one thing to muck about in stone mines without a lid but places like these you are asking for serious trouble.

For gods sake go and join a caving club and learn how to do this stuff porperly. or one of these days one of my cave rescue colleagues will be dragging your lifeless corpse out of some grotty hole.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Most interesting report. As an aside, I have been experimenting with thermite mixes and having plastered things with the iron oxide component, I can confirm that such stuff is not easilly cleaned up!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well done, 10 points for getting out and about but -50 for not remotely having the appropriate gear.

Its one thing to muck about in stone mines without a lid but places like these you are asking for serious trouble.

For gods sake go and join a caving club and learn how to do this stuff porperly. or one of these days one of my cave rescue colleagues will be dragging your lifeless corpse out of some grotty hole.

I intend on buying everything needed, the mine doesn't look as rough in some of the pics I had seen before entering.

I'm staying above ground until I have some extra equipment now. Thanks for the advice everybody.
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Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Doing something without the right equipment clearly demonstrates a lack of knowledge...

Look, I may be a bit blunt at times but thats because this is your life we're talking about. Pulling mangled bodies out of boulder chokes or shafts is not fun or quick for the people involved. Ive been caving for nearly ten years (club tacle officer, tripleader, cave rescue tackle officer) so I do know what Im talking about.

We're all here to have a good time and explore as much shit as possible but lets try and do it with at least a basic level of safety :thumb If only so it doesnt encourage other people to go in places that could well kill them unprepared.

I wrote a whole guide about this subject:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Doing something without the right equipment clearly demonstrates a lack of knowledge...

Look, I may be a bit blunt at times but thats because this is your life we're talking about. Pulling mangled bodies out of boulder chokes or shafts is not fun or quick for the people involved. Ive been caving for nearly ten years (club tacle officer, tripleader, cave rescue tackle officer) so I do know what Im talking about.

We're all here to have a good time and explore as much shit as possible but lets try and do it with at least a basic level of safety :thumb If only so it doesnt encourage other people to go in places that could well kill them unprepared.

I wrote a whole guide about this subject:

I read your guide only last week pal. I was fully aware that I should of had a helmet when I went in. Its one of those stupid excited moments. We all have them.
I have been exploring a very long time but am new to caves myself, I have only done 2 to get a taste for it, in doing so I have realised its something I want to pursue and I have no problem at all with buying the equipment and being safe.

I don't regurlarly attend caves and act stupid, and I'm fully aware my life is at risk, and I would like to get home to my kids.

Once again mate thanks for your advice, and your article on caving is top notch.

It's over and done with now, nobody got hurt and we will not be making the same mistake again - the next cave report you see from us will be kitted up. Which will be coming in the next month or two.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Beleive what you will
It’s all just banter 9/10 the mine and cave exploring world is very small trust me you shall realise no matter what route you go down wether you listen or not is a very tight community who controls access and everything is all who you no :thumb

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
O yes we have all made mistakes it’s all a learning curve listen to those experienced

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