The winzes I can see from ya photo is a hell of a drop should be on cow tails their but I assume they haven’t been bolted to keep the YouTube idiots out most likely I no their is a permission system set up for this mine is not my area so I don’t no much , I love the stone stemples very unique I believe their only used here ? as pirate has said a head torch is just as important as a helmet well spotted.
fair play for having a good time but you always have to think if the worst was to happen the rescue team has to get you out , could this have been avoided with a head torch ,helmet ? These eliminate a lot of risks I have seen a few near misses 1st hand and it’s scary .
This is the winze in question.; I'm far too afraid of heights to try those shenanigans at the other winzes!
Worst case scenario:
Lesson learned: will be suited and booted next time