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Report - - Hamonds Grammar School, Swaffham..Norfolk, May 2022 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Hamonds Grammar School, Swaffham..Norfolk, May 2022

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Artefacts are windows.
28DL Full Member
oh you motherfucker! my other half lives 2 minutes away, i've always wanted to get in but heard neighbours watch over the place and ring police as soon as the see people in there. tempted to try anyway tbh
I live not far away and last time I attempted ti there was no way in! that may have changed by now but that was only a couple of months ago!

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
There's no way in as of current, things have been taken away etc. Desperate to get in

really? it was a piece of piss a while back. (but was a fair amount of climbing involved in entering the buildings)
With the amount of kids in & out when we went Ill be amazed if it stays "sealed" for long.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
really? it was a piece of piss a while back. (but was a fair amount of climbing involved in entering the buildings)
With the amount of kids in & out when we went Ill be amazed if it stays "sealed" for long.

It had an entirely new hoarding fence constructed along the one easy side, which isn't fun.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
It had an entirely new hoarding fence constructed along the one easy side, which isn't fun.

It will be open again, I climbed a roof to get in main building then watched the kids rip a board off a door which was quite handy to get out easily!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
really? it was a piece of piss a while back. (but was a fair amount of climbing involved in entering the buildings)
With the amount of kids in & out when we went Ill be amazed if it stays "sealed" for long.
What? There was certainly no intense climbing involved at all. The main building was a walk in.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
What? There was certainly no intense climbing involved at all. The main building was a walk in.
Building near rear gate was a bit of awkward climb in high window into main hall on wobbly chair stack.
Main building near front of site was climb onto flat roof of link walkway which I had to pull my lad up & the kids couldn't do.
We proceeded to scare kids from the windows then as mentioned they then ripped board off door.
as we were leaving a old dear walked in & seemed to just wander about the yard without saying anything to the kids

Was a busy Sun afternoon several months back that, the pub opp had karaoke going on which was quite surreal listening to that inside the building but everyone seemed oblivious to all the people running about in there, all very odd tbh


28DL Member
28DL Member
So over two the other two parts of the school. This was the assembly hall/gym. Above was some science labs. Sadly this was the most trashed part. Which was a shame as the hall is nice with a raised gallery. In the labs was packs off old exam papers unused.


Old science lab with exam papers in.





Another science lab.


The tiles were quite prominent in this building.


Looking down from the viewing gallery over the hall.





Moving on to the other building. This consisted of a couple off classrooms upstairs. Three downstairs and a long room what may have been a dining room. And a canteen next to this long room. It had been used by the antiques centre and has posters covering the walls.


Upstairs rooms.





Heading back down with stairs dividing the dining hall and kitchen.










Back through the dining room to the kitchen.




I attended this school from September 1974 until December 1975. Sad to see in its current state.

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