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Report - - Hartshead Power Station, Heyrod and Millbrook, 2015-2019 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Hartshead Power Station, Heyrod and Millbrook, 2015-2019

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Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User

Glad you got to see it safely! We did notice a few loosely covered holes in the ground - I wouldn't wander around there in the dark.

Happy for you to add pics here, but just FYI sometimes when the forum has a clean up, replies to original posts are deleted. Not sure if that is due to happen any time soon though. Maybe @Ojay can confirm.


Staff member
Yeah we don’t tend to archive stuff like we used to, dead threads and such like get removed if there is no way of them being updated


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Glad you got to see it safely! We did notice a few loosely covered holes in the ground - I wouldn't wander around there in the dark.

Happy for you to add pics here, but just FYI sometimes when the forum has a clean up, replies to original posts are deleted. Not sure if that is due to happen any time soon though. Maybe @Ojay can confirm.
Lol, I was unlucky enough to fall in one of them. A bush was covering it! Smashed my knee against the rails next to it too. Do you have any idea what the hole on the other side is? Here’s my theory, My guess is, as in the hopper room there is a hallway leading to this, just filled in, it was part of the hopper room. Or the conveyor. the walls look the same as in the hopper room. I went in to the bottom of the hole before it goes underground, and it looks like it stretches quite far.

Just asking, how did you get into the power station area, the fenced area? As there are newer green fences covering the holes. The smokestack foundation is still covered, but still has fence holes. How did you get in?


Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User
Do you have any idea what the hole on the other side is?

No. @FreshFingers might know.

Just asking, how did you get into the power station area, the fenced area?
In general people don't post access details publicly. But I will say, if you were to start walking down from Wakefield Road, it will become apparent that it's pretty easy. Having said that, it was a few years ago and I don't know if things have changed.


Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
I can't quite picture the hole you have in mind, sorry. The room with the green hopper has two back-filled sections. Without firing my PC up and looking, I recall one being filled from above, so assume this leads to ground level for an unknown use. The other appeared to be a blocked tunnel, so maybe this linked a walkway to the next hopper section further back in the system.

I read somewhere that one conveyor system provided fuel to the power station, and the other was for removal of spent fuel to be sent by rail to manufacturers of cinder blocks. The underground conveyor is definitely delivering to the station, hoppers and laws of physics, but the above network appears quite excessive and complex for simply shifting cinders up a hill and onto trains.

This is the magic of old industry, trying to understand how it operated.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
I can't quite picture the hole you have in mind, sorry. The room with the green hopper has two back-filled sections. Without firing my PC up and looking, I recall one being filled from above, so assume this leads to ground level for an unknown use. The other appeared to be a blocked tunnel, so maybe this linked a walkway to the next hopper section further back in the system.

I read somewhere that one conveyor system provided fuel to the power station, and the other was for removal of spent fuel to be sent by rail to manufacturers of cinder blocks. The underground conveyor is definitely delivering to the station, hoppers and laws of physics, but the above network appears quite excessive and complex for simply shifting cinders up a hill and onto trains.

This is the magic of old industry, trying to understand how it operated.

It was the hole, directly in the other side of the path next to the staircase.
It had a ladder, which suggests that it went deeper. But there was no breeze, no air coming through. So I doubt it would be well ventilated



Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
No. @FreshFingers might know.

In general people don't post access details publicly. But I will say, if you were to start walking down from Wakefield Road, it will become apparent that it's pretty easy. Having said that, it was a few years ago and I don't know if things have changed.
All fence holes on the power station were patched with modern green fences. The only way I can imagine is underground or jump Over the side on the bridge, which will be hard to get up.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member

A coal-fired power station. Built 1926. Closed 1979. Demolished early 1980s.



As a child I spent a lot of time in and around Heyrod (the Y is silent); a tiny collection of houses, school, post office, and village shop
all living in the shadow of the enormous cooling towers of Hartshead Power Station.
My grandad warned me to stay away from the cooling towers – he said the water was deep, and things lived in there that might bite you, should you fall in.
I was scared enough to behave; peered into the dark water under the towers but never dreamed of getting any closer.
So, 40 years later. The cooling towers (and grandad) are long gone. I remember when, in the 1980s, they evacuated Heyrod residents for the demolition.
Nostalgia took me back to the village again to explore the power station, now crumbling and overgrown. I would finally go under the forbidden cooling towers.



There are quite a few reports of this place on here, and they tend to focus on the room with the switches and the rail sidings building,
which I also thought were the most interesting bits that were left… until we poked around underground. We dug a little deeper and
found that there is more left of Hartshead Power Station than has been previously documented.

@legoff’s report from 2010 is the only one I have seen that goes *under* the eastern cooling tower.

Back in 2015 @Worm posted a report which said “Coal was fed into a hopper underneath the sidings”.
In 2016, @Northern Counties added “The coal hopper is still there with steps leading down and a few tunnels leading away but I’ve not explored it yet”
and I can’t believe we didn’t notice that and follow it up at the time. This report is from several visits, with @FreshFingers and SoundLighGo, as we uncovered more stuff and realised what we had found.

What’s left?

1. The remains of two cooling towers and the power station on one side of the river Tame

2. The remains of a railway station, plus overhead and underground conveyors, on the other side


Part 1. Cooling water and rusty metal

Exploring on a rainy day

The West tower’s outline can still be seen: cracked concrete and rusty rebar mark a large circle in the woods.

Nearby a waterway goes under the road to the east. What’s down here?

The East tower’s base is not so obvious, but there was a hole in the ground, amongst the concrete rubble, that had to be investigated… and it delivered.

The water was not a deep as Grandad had threatened, but it did at least merit waders. In fact, we took a dinghy just to be sure.

The roots of a giant.

The remaining building is picturesque. Come on in.

Switch room.



Part 2. The ETL (Electricity Transmission Line?)

There is a brick structure in the woods. Looks a bit like a bunker. Odd looking ‘chimney’ on the surface. It’s actually a concrete front over an old culvert,
once repurposed to carry cables, now back to draining cool, clear water into the Tame. Inside, a shaft with iron steps leads up inside the ‘chimney’ to the treetops.
Perhaps this whole area was once underground?

In the map below you can see the overhead conveyor, and also (dotted line) the ETL.

Access. Jk.

Cable supports

Fancy brickwork

Once we got past the broken concrete, the tunnel became a lot lower and grottier. Maybe another time.

Part 3.The Last Train

End of the line.

Part 3. Underground over ground

The underground conveyor was built first during early years of the station. As it expanded, the second high level one was built with associated buildings.
The high concrete bank on the reservoir was installed when a new rail line was put in to serve the building feeding the high level conveyor.

The overhead conveyor looms out of the hillside, yet somehow disappears into the lush summer woodland.


Under a precarious pile of rocks near the overheard conveyor is a dark hole and within it, smelly dark water.

But… there is flow and a breeze.

This is part of the underground conveyor so there must be another way in. SLG sniffed it out in the undergrowth above.
Honestly, I was beside myself. Surely you too have dreamed of finding a mossy staircase in the woods leading underground?

Ewart Chainbelt Co. Ltd., Derby.

At the bottom, a square chamber.

Water fills the base, maybe three feet deep. Small, dark fish, trapped here perhaps for life, dart away from our torchlight.

The most enormous hopper fills every inch of the ceiling and tapers into the centre of the room. I’m hoping FreshFingers has a better photo than this one.
I know this isn’t ground breaking, but after several hours of browsing the internet, I came across a few good pics of the power station during its time




Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
I'll just make a mess of your report if you don't mind :thumb

The concrete supports suspend what appeared to be a woven and bitumen infused conduit which the HV transmission lines would have been drawn through, with gallons on Bestobells finest Trefolex and lubrication I should imagine! The lines were initially served by the Northern sub-station heading East through the hillside via this tunnel. Later works and customer demand from the grid called for a newer sub-station a few hundred yards to the South, and subsequently, the lines were redirected and surface fed from the new site via pylons.

As Alley mentioned, a mucky beast


Lower level conveyor tunnel - facing the loading hopper

Hopper discharge port

Tool / lunch locker possibly


This rooms warrants the use of a fish-eye lens. Even with a 10mm, it's either a shot of the base, or looking further up, it's full bore sheet metal due to the angle of the hopper. Damn impressive to see though.


The water is surprisingly deep and very cold at this point of the room, a couple of fish noted too

Some extra machinery found further into the site for good luck



Hey, I’m back again. I’m sorry to seem nagging but those last pictures. I’m looking at them and they can’t seem to possibly be in the run down tunnel entrance I told you about. I’ve looked around for ages now and I can’t seem to find any entrance that opens up into this. I have o my found a few holes that all lead into disappointment. Do you have any recollection of where those last pics were taken?

I’m looking at the very last pic you took freshfingers, and I see a staircase. And what looks to be a caved in roof. This looks really interesting, and there is light coming from the top of the staircase. This makes me confused, as I have checked around that area for hours on end, and I see no report of this. I’m planning to go in the following Halloween holidays, so I will try to have a check. Any clues or places to start would be helpful

If this picture rings any bells, I’m fucked



it’s just because from what I’ve seen at this site lately, the area doesn’t have long left. Areas at the power station at the western cooling tower are being removed and people are working on something there. I would just like to see everything I can before it’s gone
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