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Report - - Hayworth House ADHD Hospital, Chertsey - May 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Hayworth House ADHD Hospital, Chertsey - May 2019

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Lewis Merrin

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
the explore

I walked to this abandoned untouched ADHD Clinic for kids after I explored this marvellous Manor House but the location of this place
i found I did not know where the entrance pointswas an till my friend @LeeExplores went and
told me the way in as lee went there 3 weeks ago but how i found the location before my friend went i told him
where it was and he went and explode it but how i found it was from someones Instagram story
btw it was the Best explore in a hospital I ever had not a lot of decay or vandalism but the whole explore was exciting because every time you kept walking around every corner expect to walk into a public toilet in the ward and the automatic light would turn on and that would freak you out a bit more those rules the whole explore was very exciting

History and information

From 1 December 2017, ADHD services at The Hospitals transferred to and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
We are now responsible for providing all follow up appointments for children and young people who have been diagnosed with ADHD and an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) which were previously provided

News report from NHS website

The buildings we have on this area of land are (now closed) plus some vacant buildings; the buildings have are staff accommodation, administrative offices and some vacant buildings.After completing some investigative work with our colleagues at we have taken the decision together to sell this land. In November 2017, we submitted planning application to Borough Council for the redevelopment of the land which was approved in February 2019.

Borough Council on 7th February 2019 to issue planning consent for the redevelopment of the Hospital Healthcare Campus. This included approval of new housing for staff, a multi storey car park, central staff carpark and other facilities at the hospital

CAMHS service users must be under the age of 18 and registered with a GP based The service focuses on behaviours indicative of moderate to severe mental health and development needs which are causing functioning to deteriorate and problems to escalate.

We only accept referrals from health, social care and education We focus on behaviours which indicate moderate to severe mental health and development needs that are causing the child or young person's functioning to deteriorate and problems to escalate. These difficulties may be having a significant impact on the child or young person’s development quality of life.

More news for the building site

Healthcare Campus Consultation
Redevelopment proposals for part of the Healthcare Campus

Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust intend to secure planning consent for the redevelopment of surplus land for housing
This presents Optivo with an exciting opportunity to upgrade and expand our current affordable accommodation for NHS staff on the campus, and we are working closely with both Trusts to achieve this.

The proposals
The focus is largely on the western part of the Healthcare Campus which is jointly owned by NHS Foundation Trust and and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
This area currently houses a range of community mental health services for people of all ages and a drug and alcohol detox unit. These will relocate within the local vicinity, and people who use these services will be involved in deciding where best suits the services’ needs. The area also houses old administrative and service buildings, housing for staff, and derelict areas.

The redevelopment proposals include:
297 open-market homes consisting of a retirement village and a mix of apartments, and houses. These will make an important contribution to much-needed new homes
· around 60 new affordable homes, primarily for NHS staff
· a new, separate access road from to the north west
· a new village green
· redeveloping housing on the eastern part of the campus to provide 72 modern
affordable apartments, primarily for NHS staff
· options for accommodating parking on and off-site for around 250 spaces.




















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28DL Full Member
I've seen a number of reports since this one and this place has become trashed now ... Should get back up here soon - we did the morgue saw this place but didn't know this was abandoned at the time this was back in my time.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Earth now shows a orange fence thing around it and a blue container in the car park does that mean it's no longer doable? Would like to give it a go but don't won't a wasted trip.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Earth now shows a orange fence thing around it and a blue container in the car park does that mean it's no longer doable? Would like to give it a go but don't won't a wasted trip.
Considering this post is from May 2019 I'd think there's a good chance it won't be, but that's the thing about exploring - you don't know until you go and have a look. After lockdown, obviously.

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