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Hello from Crewe! | New Members Introduction |

Hello from Crewe!

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hiya, I'm a beginner explorer. I've done two separate rooftops within the town centre and the classic abandoned spot of Electricity Street (if your from Crewe I'm sure you'll know what I'm talking about)
Found this forum whilst searching for new spots to visit in Crewe, excited to continue exploring and to expand my very limited experiences urbanexing (my bad if that's not the right term, as you probably may tell I'm quite new to this)
If I mess up whilst on the site feel free to call me out and I'll correct myself, I'm sure I'll oopsie on something eventually :)


28DL Member
28DL Member
Welcome to the forum, I’m also Crewe based.

I’d recommend you give the the Survival Guide a quick read (28 Days Later Survival Guide for Newbies. | New Members Introduction), it’ll help get you started with he forum and provide you some good tips for getting on well with the hobby.

Looking forward to seeing your work.
Haha, actually found this site due to your post about the railway building in town being linked when I looked something up on google. Looking forward to exploring and posting about it as well.


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
I’ve been the only Creweton on here for the last decade and now the whole town appears to have signed up :rofl