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Report - - Hepworth Refractories, Loxley Valley, Sheffield, S.Yorks, June 2020 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Hepworth Refractories, Loxley Valley, Sheffield, S.Yorks, June 2020

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Does anyone know what's going on with security down there now. Seems like the fences are being left open now. No attempt to put them back upy. You can literally just walk into any part of the site now.
The old solar panel towers now seem to have cameras on them but not sure if they are even on.
Went on there today with no reaction. One guy later turned up in a car but we where out by then so we just kept walking.
I'd love to explore that site more but just wanted to know the deal with security and what the ramifications are for being caught on there, even though its clearly wide open.
Seems fly tippers have figured out they can tip there now too. Its getting really bad down there.

OK, I get the context of your question here now having had a walk past here recently. They have re-sealed a lot of the entrances that were previously open plus re-secured all the heras fencing too. There was one of those CCTV towers that looked to be live too.. so secca upping their game, deffo.

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