This was the third explore of the day with @albino-jay, @monk, @raisinwing, and Sparky. Access has sadly changed on the planned explore and when we were organising this trip, we hadn’t much wanted to contemplate the possibility of failure, so we didn’t spend too much time thinking of a backup. So, after some blood loss, we quickly found ourselves making contingency plans in the back of the tour bus, which involved a fairly brief jaunt down Moonwalker drain (at least brief for the size of it), a factory that was mostly demolished and then onto here, Hi-Finish Castings.
Anyway, on with the explore...
So I spent a bit of time walking the perimeter capturing the space - and I do like a nice industrial space - by including the various interesting objects dotted around it.
No one cared who he was until he put on the welding mask.
Empty office with some an old cabinet. I'm not sure why I've just written that, because it's plainly fucking obvious what it is.
The main canteen room...
The main catering kitchen. This has been a bit trashed since Clebby's report.
I have no idea what the fuck this thing is, but it connects to the catering kitchen.
Heading off in a slightly different direction is the main corridor leading to the offices.
This would have been posh furniture back in the day. In fact, the display cabinet you can see on the right a few windows back is reminiscent to one my parents had. Kinda wish I'd taken the covers off...
The storeroom. Gutted I missed the cyanide cabinet here.
I don't normally like including photos I've cocked up, and this one I have. But the report would not be complete without a snap of the safe that lives in the toilets.
A small kitchenette and more obvious and unnecessary commentary by me.
Cracking offices.
The ledger on the table containing details of wages as far back as 1947...
There wasn't much in this room apart from asbestos particles, according to the sign.
The reception area was quite cool, but the best thing of all. Even of the whole explore for me, were the two fibreglass murals that were in the reception. I possibly spent more time capturing these than I ought, but they were pretty impressive. It was only a little after I edited them that I realised they are both exactly the same, one is just upside down. And the other has a leaf on.
Thanks for reading.
It never fails to amaze me how brazen you can sometimes afford to be during broad daylight in heavily populated areas and that’s what we had to be. Had it not been for the succession of disappointments that preceded this explore and a complete dearth of alternatives, we might well have moved on. Happily, our decision to just nail the explore paid off; there was no real drama and it ended up being a fairly relaxed explore.
I am really struggling to find out any history on this that would develop the information in Clebby’s Original Report, and there are some nice features from Clebby’s visit, which are now vandalised or removed, so it’s worth casting your eye over his report anyway. I hope you enjoyed the pun.
I am really struggling to find out any history on this that would develop the information in Clebby’s Original Report, and there are some nice features from Clebby’s visit, which are now vandalised or removed, so it’s worth casting your eye over his report anyway. I hope you enjoyed the pun.
Anyway, on with the explore...
I had read Clebby and Brian's reports on this place before and I'd made a mental note to visit. And I hadn't expected to visit on this day, but a twist of fate found me here without even remembering I'd made a mental note to visit. That's the thing about mental notes to visit interesting derps that pop up; they're not worth the paper they're not even written on.
The main part of the building is a massive industrial workshop, which is too massive to capture fully even with a 10mm lens wide open. I couldn't even touch the sides.
The main part of the building is a massive industrial workshop, which is too massive to capture fully even with a 10mm lens wide open. I couldn't even touch the sides.
Off the main working area are offices, storerooms and kitchens and a canteen. There are toilets, of course, but for some reason photographing toilets has never interested me.
This is a small portacabin in the main working room.
This is a small portacabin in the main working room.
Heading off in a slightly different direction is the main corridor leading to the offices.
So there you have it. It's a decent derp. I could have spent a lot longer in there with a nifty 50 taking my time over shots. But I'd forgotten my nifty fifty anyway.
And it's got a little bit of something for everyone, with plenty of relics left. Some that will hopefully be saved.
And it's got a little bit of something for everyone, with plenty of relics left. Some that will hopefully be saved.
Thanks for reading.